
Do you think questioning yourself is most important in life?

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Today I just had a realization that this is probably most important.




  1. Yes, but then again, if 'I'; am questioning myself that what is 'I'?

  2. Maybe, but only after you realize it.

    "The unexamined life is not worth living"

    - Socrates

    I think this is true to anyone that earnest examines their own life.

  3. Questioning oneself is very important.

  4. As Socrates had said: Know thyself. I believe it is important to question oneself. Learning to question is a way of knowing where you stand and your goal. It is a good journey to start as a baby step for one to believe in.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  5. it is very important and so few do it. in fact if everyone in the world questioned themselves rather then their neibor we would be living in a much more hospitable reality.

  6. I believe it is very important to look at one self and to be the best we can be. If everyone watched their own actions more rather than trying to police everyone else the world might be a better place.

  7. The more we question ourselves, the more we can learn more about ourselves.

    Self-evaluation is quite important in life, because if we make a mistake in our lives and we don't question our own mistakes, how do you think that will be resolved?

    We'll just cover up that mistake and move on, but if the problem continues to persist then the bad karma that we build up for ourselves, will just kick our @ss later in life.

    I believe we don't actually know a lot about ourselves if we don't question ourselves at the same time, because that's probably the only way to learn about our flaws and our own interest.

    It's not like one day you decide to enroll yourself to medical school because your parents told you to do it. I think those kind of decisions will lie on your own interest and how you feel about helping others. (That's just an example)

    Self-evaluation makes oneself a better person, because we know how to fix up our own flaws and that gets us to know more about our own selves.

    Everything happens for a reason and that reason will follow up to your own interest if you know what is best for yourself.

  8. just react on instinct and question later..

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