
Do you think "bad spirits" bother people who try to be good more than people who don't care about being good?

by Guest21568  |  earlier

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Wayne...I wonder what kind of spirit I would have been tonight. I just had a blowout at the bridge & could have easily been thrown off the car behind me. Makes me wonder what I'd be doing now.Extremely close call.




  1. Wow, I have never heard anyone put it that way but I feel that yes, that is absolutely true.

  2. This answer i can explain in two parts.The first part is why is a spirit bad or negative.They may have had a violent or sudden death.They might like there peace and do not want people interfering with that peace.In this case if does not matter if your good or bad.The spirit will still lash out at you anyway.I found out in the past that most violent deaths lead to a disturbed spirit.A house where a young guy blew his head off with a shot gun.That house could be another amytiville.Books being thrown at people,china smashed,doors banging.Then there is part two.peaceful spirits.A friend of mine has lived in a haunted for more than 20 years.The spirit of the little old lady does not bother  Debbie at all.Of course it was a different matter when my wife and i had to look after her house for a few days.The little old lady did not like us.Closed the door in our face.Turned the radio up full volume.Some spirits get use to there tenants.If some one comes into the house.It may disturbed the spirit.So just like people.Spirits get set in there own ways too.

  3. I think someone who is trying to be good would be much more in tune with their conscience and feelings of guilt.  As such, they may feel bad about their behavior more so than a person who isn't as sensitive to right and wrong.  They may be more likely to kick themselves for bad behavior when they've done nothing wrong.  The feelings of guilt can probably lead a person to believe she deserves to suffer penance of some sort.  I'm not qualified in any way to offer therapy, but perhaps the bad feelings bottled up inside for too long can cause a person to feel persecuted or under duress from an outside source.

    OK, I'm done with my armchair psychology.

  4. Absolutely...bad spirits are demonic.  Why would a demon bother a bad person? They already have his soul.  They do however go after the "good" person until they have him, or until that person rebukes it in the name of Jesus and banishes it.

  5. Sometimes it does seem as though "No good deed goes unpunished." I think the usual problem is that not all good deeds are chosen wisely. Trying to do good things can sometimes backfire on someone. An attempt to be good should be thought out well and welcome to anyone involved.

    Don't bake a cake for someone trying hard to lose weight. Don't decide your neighbor needs fake pink flamingos for the lawn and give them as a gift. Last example; don't "set someone up" with anyone unless you are sure they are interested!

  6. Yes. Not to scare off new Christians, but my life has been seriously challenged since I became a Christian 35 years ago. As long as Satan knows he's 'got' you, life can be tame and even successful. Once you draw that line in the sand and declare for God, life can get nasty. h**l is a real place, and this Earth is just a half-way ground to test our spirit. Christians aren't just nice people, they are God's Marine Corps against evil. There is no middle ground. God be with you!

  7. yeh i think maggie's right

  8. No, but whenever you seek to try and right a wrong, you will draw attention to yourself, and not all that attention will be positive.

    Price that goes with the territory I guess ?

  9. great question..yup, i guess so coz they are more tempted to tease the good people, to see how strong they could hold on...and also if the person is always feeling very emotionally down, and negative, they also tend to attract bad spirits.

    while the bad person, on the otherhand, may be already infested, he/she could be a tool for the bad spirits to irritate the good person. there are scenarios wherein a person wonders why he keeps on meeting the same kind of [bad personality, evil ] persons, even if he doesn't do anything bad, the spirits beside him is playing so he keeps attracting the same kind of mean people.

  10. Well from a Biblical perspective it is certainly true. The Bad Spirit (Lucifer/Devil) shows up to tempt Jesus Christ who most people believed tried to do good.

    I don't see why a bad spirit would bother with an already bad person unless they were about to do something good.

    Perhaps the stories of the bad spirits that influenced Ponchus Pilot just never made it into the Bible.

    Although not from a spirit related perspective there is an excellent book called "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" by Rabbi Harold Kushner that does take a religious approach to this question.


  11. They are drawn to the positive energy and feed from emotion.

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