
Do you think "professional portraits" are overpriced?

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Do you think "professional portraits" are overpriced?




  1. Yes and mostly tacky looking...we never get them as I think they look naff.  

  2. absolutely!

  3. From the ones I've gotten of my son, yes. I have off centered red faced teary eyed pics. It's been about a year since the last ones so maybe it will be easier but I really think the ones on my digital camera are better.

  4. Definitely.

  5. Yeah, overpriced and I really don't like them at all.  They look very fake and forced.  

  6. Yes, not to mention the poses look fake and rigid.  I much prefer snapping my own pictures and getting candid shots that are exponentially better then the ones they try to get at the studios.

  7. Very much so yes.  I have a friend that is an excellent photographer and I get her to do it.  She takes better shots of the kids and she doesn't overcharge me!  She only charges $30 for her time (for me at least) and then what ever the development costs.

  8. Yes!  

  9. yes they over charge and they don't even look like natural poses

  10. Yes, absolutely.  I take my kids to JcPenney or Sears which I think is a reasonable price.  You get like all these pictures for about $9.  Of course, I end up getting all the other poses too, but I really don't spend more that $50 and I get a whole bunch of different poses and sizes.

  11. As a general rule, yes. Whenever we do them, we just take the cheapo special package that brought us in to begin with. I remember our son's first pics, we ended up spending a small fortune to get all the poses!

    Nowadays, we just prefer to take candiid family shots ourselves. They are much more natural and a whole lot less expensive! And using a digital camera allows us to retake if we need to!

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