
Do you think ramadan users..............?

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should write sunni, shia, etc, under their answers.

cause i dont know who to believe.




  1. I don't think people should just because some people are dumb and say that Sunni aren't Muslims or Shia aren't Muslims which isn't true. We are all Muslims

  2. Abul Harrith








    Pakistani Chap

    and many more who follow Quran and Sunnah

  3. Hmm then that means we need to put "Sunni Ummah", "Shia Ummah" and "____ Ummah".

    Wallah i swear we were just ONE?? :s

  4. I think we the followers of ahlus sunnah wal jama'a shouldnt.( since we follow the real islam)

    But the others should, especially the Ahmadis and Submitters.

    We can detect shias by their answers easliy ( it will be full of "ya ali ya ali and their willl be swearing at the sahabahs, but its not very easy to detect an ahmadi or submitter, so they must write their religions name)

  5. I didn't even know that being sunni or shia was such a big deal until I started using the Ramadan section. But that's cause I didn't know shia's were so different from sunnis (I'm sunni). I don't think we should divide ourselves. When you ask a question, always ask for proof, so you will know who is right/wrong, and when you ask for other's opinions, then well, you'll probably agree with the person who is most like you and is the same type of muslim. I wish there weren't sects in islam. Call me ignorant, but I didn't even know there were any! Here I am, being proud that I don't have to worry about being Catholic or Protestant or whatever other kinds of Christianity there are, but then here are the muslims with a similar problem. Let's just all try to be MUSLIM, okay?

    PLAIN OLD MUSLIM, like islam was meant to be! ONE UMMAH, we have to stick together!

  6. it doesnt matter to me

    but i relized everyone trys to sperate islam with shia and sunni

    im simply shia, i dont say sunni are bad or anything..

    i wish we wouldnt fight with eachother, and just stand together as MUSLIMS

  7. LOL what the brian said!!

    i agree with him!!

    anyway, i am ahlus sunnah!!

  8. Yeah, it should be.

    Btw, I am a Muslim.

  9. like the way hitler made jews wear stars?

    good idea!

    anyone can say anything here whatever they believe. it would be pretty dumb to trust everything based on a persons school of thought. as if its not obvious that the majority of people in here misrepresent islam in the first palce.

  10. no you shouldn't.

    If you have fiqh (Jurisprudence) questions, ask a scholar. If you need advice, then go ahead and ask. You can easily tell who is ahmadi, sunni or shia.

    You should also take the answers of people who have some sort of reference to back up what they are saying. Don't just listen to people who have an opinion without any daleel (evidence). If somebody provides references, then you have an even easier way to know who is following what.

  11. No, they shouldnt, it'll just cause more problems between the sects. everyone should just write muslim, cause thats what we all are.  

  12. to the ones that shias and sunnis have a different belief about - YES

    to the ones that shias and sunnis have the same belief about- NO

  13. I know your intention with this, and I do not feel it is malicious in any way, however I think doing so would create more problems than it would solve.  Because some people may prefer to remain under the radar in order to avoid being attacked and labeling does not afford them the right to anonymity.

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