
Do you think rating people on attractiveness is right or wrong?

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I dunno why but it bugs me when people rate people's physical appearance, guy or girl.I keep thinking "people aren't pieces of meat at a meat market!!!" (And before someone says I'm just insecure of how I look, I'm happy with my appearance.) I just think its kinda lame and wrong, what do you think? Do you do it and think its perfectly cool, or do you feel the same way.




  1. I think it wrong when people are compare two girls or guy to each other. To me it's just people searching for compliments. People sometimes say very rude and call the people ugly. I just think that people shouldn't depend on the other people for self esteem or a little pick me up.

  2. I don't think a person's attractiveness is solely based on their physical appearance. Yes, if they are pleasing to the eye, you do notice them and want to talk to them, but sometimes you encounter people who are not like this, but who have a certain magnetism.

    And then you sometimes don't see how attractive a person is until you actually get to know them. Beauty is not all about PR, you know. Sometimes it's about other things.  

  3. well i agree with you in the sense that people shouldnt be judged based only on looks but if people want to ask ,there will always be someone ignorant to answer it.people should really take their "i want you to like me: signs off of their forehead and put it where it would we of plently help-- on their mirrors.

  4. Sadly I think it is part of human nature.  On the other hand I think it has become to overly developed in human nature.  I think it is really pretty shallow to rate someone solely based on their appearance.  Isn't that why we have brains, so we can be intellectual and have intelligent conversations and profound thoughts.  People that rate solely on appearance make we wonder what, if much is going on in their head?  Throughout everything I am the happiest being myself and being surrounded by those who appreciate that.  

  5. personally i agree with you that it is wrong to rate people's physical appearance especially if your eyes are replaced by microscope, you can see that everyone are just compilation of cells and all are the same. however if you ask me to marry jennifer hawkins or belinda neil, i will choose jennifer hawkins. it is just the way society and the world works.we  just like something thats more attractive, e,g do you like to watch a black-white tv or colourful tv? colourful is definitely better because it is more attractive.  

  6. I think it is wrong everyone is beautiful in their own way.  

  7. it really depends on how and for why - and how far they take it.

    if you are going to date someone it IS important to find them attractive. i think i certain amount of rating is needed.

    but if people wont be friends, or talk to someone because they are ugly - this is cruel. everyone needs to get over appreances a lot!

    if you are good looking it is an acident of nature, if you are nice - thats them!

  8. i feel the same way as u are but some ppl dont cuz they think if ur attractive then ur sweet but some ppl are attractve but really roud so i sugest that ppl get to know the person befor the judge him.

  9. yeah that annoys me to.. really seems like their fishing for complements !!

  10. Wrong!

  11. I agree with you, and I'm okay with my appearance too. It might boost others confidence but someone is always going to get hurt.

  12. i think it's okay but if you're just judging the way people look because you're uglier or dissatisfied or jealous, then i think it's totally wrong.

    i hate people like that.

    everyone is built differently.

  13. Well, Not its inside what counts but some people coudlnt bring themselfs to date someone that isnt very attracttive.

  14. I think it's okay if your playing a game and everyone agrees you rate them, BUT it's not okay if you don't want to be rated on your attractiveness.

    I feel the same way, if I don't want to be judged on my appearance, don't rate me! My face isn't their to be judged! I'm also insecure about how I look, but I too am happy with my appearance. People who think it's cool to rate people on attractiveness, have confidence, and are probably a high rating on a scale from one to ten.

    But the truth is, it's human nature, people judge, but don't let it get under your skin.

    But I'm not that insecure about my looks, because if you tell yourself your pretty, everyday, than chances are that you will not continue to be insecure. Not only do you feel secure about yourself but, you also gain confidence. It works for me!

    But remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

  15. This is what the world is about- looks. Even in a typical company that is not related to beauty industry, the ones with looks is sometimes favoured more than common people. I rate myself as a plain jane- nothing attractive and nothing exciting. I blend in the crowd really well. So, when people started commenting about the way I dress or my looks, I deal with it in a lighthearted way. There is really not a need to take it seriously. Did you read about the China Olympics? 2 talented little girls were chosen to perform at the opening cermenony. One with looks and the other without the looks. So, since the less pretty girl has a better voice, they put her behind the stage while the pretty one was put on stage to mimick the other girl's voice. So, what do you think about that? Others had it worse than us. Unless we, the less pretty ones, are abused this way, let's not make such a big deal when someone passes by and rate our looks.

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