
Do you think refusing to bend is good or bad?

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For some things, such as facts, it is impossible to not bend when one is wrong. But for things such as meaning of life and personality, one that does not bend I beleive is someone that does not let anybody change who they are. They stay true to their beleifs. But somebody that does bend is not going with themselves. In a way, they betray who they are by changing their view on life. If not learned in a life lesson, just hearing of a different view doesn't do it.




  1. To quote Hank Williams Jr.:

    "Yes I'm for love, and I'm for babies,

    And I'm for if you do not like it can't you just let it pass,

    And I'm for pullin' down the shade and turnin' out the light,

    And I'm for nothin' else but you and me tonight."

    There is value in being harmonious and non-contentious.  That said, principle should never under any circumstances be surrendered, nor should one ever be untruthful by agreeing to what he knows is wrong, or saying he believes what he does not believe.  Let it go if you can, but if it affects your conscience and you cannot, by all means stand firm.

  2. When them folks bend we call them Flip-Floppers!

  3. Do you mean 'bend' as in never leaving room for spontaneity in life? I know a person that never leaves room for hesitation, never leaves room for doubt and always says SHE is right.  She doesnt leave any room to breathe it seems.  She doesnt let anyone else tell her anything that is against her values; she refuses to believe what they say, on any subject.  Case in point, if she does not know much about a topic in a conversation, she will gather what she knows(could be correct or incorrect) and she will call it truth, because she doesnt know any better.  And if i know more about the subject matter, I will explain to her and i can see she is a brick wall and doesnt understand why im trying to prove her wrong. No matter who is right, brick wall is all that she is.

    People who dont leave room for spontaniety are worthless, to me, and life isnt fun with those kinds of people.  People who have evrything set in stone for the rest of their lives aren't enjoyable to be around.

  4. It can be both good and bad.  Ideally people should be flexible and open-mineded to new ideas and to new ways of doing things.  However, it is desirable to be firm if you are sure that something is wrong, especially if it is perceived to be morally and ethically wrong.  However, people should be willing and able to explain their position.

  5. it depends in the way u want to live

    1. follower- good to be flexible with things ...... hav eto listen so get use to it

    2. a leader- no leader was flexible even though they does not matter if ur just a leader of 2 or 3 people but u need to be determinated

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