
Do you think remote viewing is real or dousers(water witches)?

by Guest58538  |  earlier

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both are strange.if so,do you have any experience with these




  1. I do believe some people have the ability of remote viewing... I see a lot of detective shows that work with psychics who have this ability - they have helped solve a lot of crimes by finding the location of the crime and victim.

    Douser rods?  Yes, those have been used for centuries - originally to locate water.

  2. Dowsers have been tested numerous times.  And they always fail under controlled conditions.  The problem is, there's water under most ground, so they can easily fool themselves into thinking that they have this power.  But when you bury a jug of water in a sand box, they can't find it.  

    Remote viewers, at best, are not useful.  They'll throw out all these possibilites, and then when you tell them the answer, they try to fit all the stuff they said to the real answer - but they couldn't put it together ahead of time to tell you the answer.  Since the stuff could have applied to almost anything (smooth, red, water, etc) that isn't useful in the least.

    Police depts in the US and the UK have issued statements saying that they do not work with psychics and no pyschic has EVER helped them solve a case.

  3. Absolutely! I come from generations of dousers,sensitives,psychics,Gypsy's and need a true willow branch to really feel the magnetic fields.I have nor ever will use the metal rods...they seem unnatural to me.once you've tried it, its a really cool thing to fell happening through the branch.I never miss an opportunity to go out and try.....Blessed be................!

  4. I know for a fact dowsers are real and have a lot of experience in the matter.  [I am one]

    I don't know about remote viewers, but I do know the US government and the Soviet government both believed remote viewing was and is possible.

  5. No disrespect to any dowsers here, but no I haven't seen any compelling evidence for it. As for water dowsing, I'd be more impressed if someone used dowsing to dig a well where they would NOT find water, since geologists discovered long ago that water exists as vast, expansive aquifers underground and just about anywhere you dig you'll hit it. As for dowsing for utilities, the average home lot will provide plenty of clues as to where is a likely place to find an underground pipe or conduit. Dowsers have been tested under controlled conditions and none of those tests turned up positive results.

    As for remote viewing, the Ganzfeld experiments were done to study that. You'll find a lot of controversy surrounding the results, especially since the original protocol was of dubious design and the second Ganfeld experiments did not convince many people that they were a valid replication of the first experiments. I personally have looked at these experiments and results and don't think they are very compelling. See the links below for more on remote viewing and Ganzfeld.

    That being said, I'm always open to considering new evidence that either of these phenomena are real.

  6. I don't know enough about the evidence to offer an informed opinion on dowsing but it certainly has many people using it and they believe it works based on their own results. Most people that don't believe it are ones that haven't used it so make of that what you will. It would be nice to see more controlled experiments in this area.

    Remote Viewing is very real and established with well controlled experiments that provided positive results.

    In her government sponsored evaluation of Remote Viewing Professor of Statistics Jessica Utts states:

    "Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established. The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud."

    (link to full text below)

    Also, I have not heard any of the StarGate people that were trained in the procedure say it didn't work and the government was wasting money. Most are retired now so they are free to speak out. So again the skeptics are one with no experience or involvement in the actual research or application.


  7. yes. both are real!

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