
Do you think routine microbiolgical analysis of food are 100% accurate?

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Do you think routine microbiolgical analysis of food are 100% accurate?




  1. Yes, but that isn't saying much.

    Given accuracy only proves that in sampled portion of that microbial environment that is your food only so many cultures are viable.

    What you really want to ask is : Are The Tests Even Looking For Relevant Data?

  2. No way.

    How can a microbiological analysis of something I cooked today have any bearing on what i cooked yesterday or what I will cook the day after tomorrow?

    Seriously... I roll my eyes at such silly things.

    The FDA does random samplings to suggest the food chain is safe. Think about it... a salmonella outbreak goes through a fruit and vegetable warehouse in Texas. The only culprit possibly implicated is jalapeno peppers. But, fruit flies can pick up the salmonella bacteria on their feet and deposit it on every fruit or vegetable in the plant.

    Don't get me started.

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