
Do you think sarah palin, will help or hinder the republican presidential campaign?

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she is utterly insane.




  1. Hinder hinder and hinder some more.  McCain cannot be feeling good right now.

  2. Honestly both, she just a run-down Hilary

  3. Hinder. If a responsible citizen does his or her research before pulling the voting lever, they may discover some things that may influence them. Any Hillary lover who planned on voting for McCain in retribution for Obama's nomination may wish to think about this:

    Look at Sarah Palin's track record in order to determine what kind of decisions she will make if McCain should expire in office and she become our first woman President.

    For starters, she offers $150 per head of an Alaskan wolf, spend $400,000 on "training" citizens how to do aerial shooting, sued the government to remove the polar bear from the endangered species list, and supports the Pebble mining project which will destoy the Bristol Bay salmon area. All this in addition to supporting drilling for oil in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge. By the way, her hubby works for big oil. Just a coincidence.

    She clearly cares nothing for nature, wildlife or the preservation of the native Alaskian right to continue their way of living off the lands.

    Here is a good list of links:

    If he thinks this move is going to attract Hillary fans, I think he underestimates their intelligence to "see through" it.

  4. She could be suffering from Post Partum Depression

  5. She will have the same effect on it that the iceberg had on the Titanic

  6. Even John McCain criticized Sarah Palin’s addiction to PORK

  7. I think she will help.  The Democrats that already made up their minds about who they will vote for will not sway, and their sour opinions of her really don't make an ounce of difference.  Their minds were made up about voting for Obama before she was ever mentioned, and her nomination hasn't changed a thing.

    The Democrats that have not made up their minds may or may not take to her kindly.  Some people are saying it is a tactic to win over 'on the fence' Hilary supporters and that it was highly offensive, but I do not think this is the case at all.  I am sure that Hilary voters will be able to look past it, and vote for Palin because of her stance, not because of her gender.

    Republicans (by this, I mean fiscal conservatives) will love her.  As far as 'Republicans' (by this I mean crazy Evangelical Christians who claim to be Republicans) might have varied opinions. Most are from teh Bible belt and those 'country families' will relate to her.  But those even crazier 'women come second' people might take a step back and vote independent.

  8. yup!

    plus McCain is just a little transparent, he is USING her!! that is all. it is sad.

  9. I think tonights speech will either win or lose the election for McCain.  It's amazing that a V.P. nominee is going to make such a difference this year.  I am hoping she hits it out of the park tonight!!!

  10. According to Noonan - "it's all over."

    "Republican consultant Mike Murphy and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan were caught on a live mike ridiculing the choice of Sarah Palin."

  11. Help!  New, outside blood with a record of changing and rooting out corruption!

  12. Both; she afterall is a woman, meaning that good part has been accomplished, but I do not see her as politically strong as she makes herself out to be.

  13. i hope she shoots the lights out tonight..

  14. *displays what I think of the choice of Palin with puppets*

    Barack Obama: Uh.....Joe Biden!

    *massive cheering*

    John McCain: I pick.....Sarah Palin!

    *murmurs of confusion, delayed, loyal applause*  

    John McCain: *holding key to White House* Okay, here you go Obama. Hope you like it.

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