
Do you think scene hair styles are cool?

by  |  earlier

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Yes or no?

Why or why not?





  1. nooo. they just look odd. like the persons trying to make them selves overly noticeable.  

  2. I love it!

    I love it, because it catches

    my eye because it's not like

    everyone else's reg. cut.

    It's daring and unique!

  3. yes absoloutly its very different from what people usually get it it stands out an i think personally its really cool. i would even consider geting it

  4. So cool

    They show that your unique and different and thats my opinion

    Also , It looks cutie!!!!

    answer mine?;...

  5. Nope I  hate em. They're un natural and ugly. Who wants pink and black razor blade zebra hair?? Can you not express with clothes? I think i would stare if someone was walking down the street with that.

  6. yeah i think they are pretty cool. oh and not all scene hair styles have zebra stripes or whatever.  

  7. Well only on people who can actually pull it off.

    Some people attempt to have scene hair and look horrible.

    Most are cute if they're simple, people that go to the extreme often don't look that good.

  8. Some i like.

    The ones like where they have thin, long, poofed at the top are nice

    But i don't like the full one crazy colored patches in random placing in the hair...


  9. i do, because it complements most faces, and adds edge as well. you can experiment with color, which i love. the only thing i dont like as much is that it looks pretty much like everyone elses haircuts.

  10. yes.

    i just do

  11. no.  Because it's become popular it has become very un-cool.  

    oh and they are not unique.  they go on the internet and from there they look at themselves in the mirror and copy what they saw with a few alterations, if any.

  12. yeah i think they are cool

    but i would never get one cuz its not my style

    but when i see one i think they are cool

    just cuz they are unique

    but too many people are getting them so i guess they arent unique


    i should stop rambling

    hope i helped


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