
Do you think scientist, Bruce E. Ivins may have acted alone in the Anthrax Attack that targeted lawmakers...?

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...and the media, following the 9/11 WTC Attack?

"Besides the five deaths, 17 people were sickened by anthrax that was mailed to lawmakers on Capitol Hill and members of the news media in New York and Florida just weeks after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The victims included postal workers and others who came into contact with the anthrax."

Anthrax scientist commits suicide as FBI closes in

"Although only a "handful" of scientists had the ability to perpetrate the crime, the culprit among them may never be identified as the FBI ordered the destruction of the anthrax culture collection at Ames, IA., from which the Ft. Detrick lab got its pathogens, the authority said. This action makes it impossible "to pin-point precisely where, when, and from whom these bio-agents had originated," said Dr. Francis A. Boyle of the University of Illinois at Champaign."

2001 Anthrax attack on US Congress made by scientists and covered up by FBI, expert says

Two..." letters were addressed to two Democratic Senators, Tom Daschle of South Dakota and Patrick Leahy of Vermont. At the time Daschle was the Senate Majority leader and Leahy was head of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Both were identified in the media[6] as holding up the proposed Patriot Act because of concerns that some parts of it would violate civil liberties."




  1. Ok this is really starting to p**s me off. FBI were constantly harassing not only him but his family. All the evidence is hearsay and circumctancial. He killed himself because of the constant threats he and his family recieved from the FBI. Even after his tragic demise, they still try to make him out as a bad guy. Say what you want, but in the end, no one will ever know or want to know the truth since the man who knows first hand had taken his own life. [FBI are framing a dead man! Will he or his family ever have peace?]


  2. This is very interesting and who knows if we (the ordinary citizens) will ever know the truth.

    When I hear about a "suicide" in high profile cases, I'm reluctant to believe it. There is definitely another agenda in these cases.

  3. It sure played into the hands of the Bush crime family quite nicely! I wonder if there is any connection to the 'deceased' scientist and Mr Rove?

  4. I am somewhat reluctant to say the FBI framed him because you may be seeing my name in the obits soon. Read between the lines and use your intuition, folks. Smells fishy to me.

  5. Just another one of those convenient suicides...Way too many lately.

  6. Yes, he acted alone. What is conveniently ignored by conspiracty theorists was the fact the anthrax was mailed in leaky envelopes that contaminated the post office and where one of the victims was quite elderly with a vulnerable immune system, showing illness and death can occur from an easily aerosolized anthrax at a lower level of spores that previously believed could cause illenss sounds like a website that  promotes conspiracy theories.  

  7. He was following orders....Mary

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