
Do you think scientist have the right to...?

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Change something.

Lets say like they changed Pluto for a planet to not being a planet.




  1. They do it all the time. If they didn't we would still have only 3 elements water, fire, and earth.

  2. Yes, of course, I feel scientists, who, by the way are much, much smarter than I am (after all they have a degree and I don't), can do pretty much anything they want to do!  

    They didn't "change" Pluto, they did change it's designation!  And they did "change" the defination of Planet, but they didn't "change" Pluto!  It's still out there, and being explored, or will be when the spacecraft explorer gets there later in this century.  

    They are the IAU and are an International Organization that has a vast membership and they all voted on these problematic situations, such as all the other transNeptunian objects that could possibly be found. i.e. Eris that was "found" by CalTech astronomer Mike Brown, and now many others.

  3. Of course they don't!

  4. Of course we do.  We didn't actually DO anything to Pluto.  We just changed what it's called.  It's still there and still everything it was before.

  5. Change is inevitable. Embrace it. If you don't you get left behind. Some people live by the credence, it is happening now, so do something now. Others live by why is it happening now? Others live by "what happened?" - You do not want to be in last category. Change is a given. Is all change for the good? Both yes and no. It is just an opinion.

  6. as long as they have reasonable proof

    the reason Pluto is not considered a planet anymore is because of its small size

    it is now considered a dwarf planet

  7. Of course! If you have sufficient facts and realize that you now understand something that you didn't understand or assumed about 100 years ago, you should be able to change it according to what you now know.

    I don't know what the hype is that Pluto is now officially a Kuiper belt object instead of a planet. It has a very different orbit shape (much more elliptical than the planets') and a different orbit plane around the sun. Astronomers have found many other similar objects beyond the planets.

    It seems like people believe that Pluto has somehow been "demoted" and that being a Kuiper belt object is somehow not as good as being a planet. Pluto is a fascinating object that we have yet to really learn about and I don't think that it is now somehow worse than the eight official planets.

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