
Do you think seniors in high school - 17 year olds - should have a curfew?

by Guest32254  |  earlier

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I don't think so because next year you're at college and you can stay out as long as you want, and if your parents are strict with you now then you're going to go wild the second you're free.

I just assumed i wasn't going to have one this upcoming year but then my dad and I were talking this afternoon and he was like 'yeah, you'll still have a curfew.' It's midnight! Don't you think that is very early for a 17 year old in NYC? Nobody goes home then. Nobody!

What do I do?

Do you give your almost grown kids curfews? if so WHY?





  1. You think 12:00 is too early? When I was your age I had to be home by 10pm. Even after I graduated If I lived at home my parents said they did not want me coming in and out of the house at all hours. This was just a matter of respect. If you think that when you go to college you can come and go as late as you want. Think again, I mean your free to do as you please but those that do usually flunk out. Just because you are almost 18 that doesn't mean you are all grown up. It's about maturity.  Just respect your parents for now you can wild and run the streets next year.

  2. All my friends had curfews at 12:00. it is normal. I did not but I had earned my dads trust by coming home if my friends were causing trouble and I had showed I was a hard worker both in and out of school. remember your dad is doing what he thinks is best not trying to hurt you.

  3. Yes, when my children are 17 they will have a curfew. How late it will be will depend on them. On how mature they are, where they are going, and who they are going with. I think as kids grow up it is a parent's job to teach them to survive in the real world and give them opportunity to make right decisions on their own but they still need guidance. As long as my kids live in my house I feel responsible for them and I want to know where they are and that they are safe. Maybe by giving you a curfew your parents are trying to teach  you to make good use of the time you do have and make wise choices about your priorities. I personally think midnight for a 17 year old is reasonable, especially in NYC and especially during school. I would probably make it earlier on school nights.

  4. My children were required to be inside at 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and at midnight on Friday and Saturday nights.

    They told me who they were with.  I met their friends before allowing them to go anywhere.  They called if anything happened.  This was before cell phones.

    If they broke curfew without a plausible "excuse," they were grounded from a week up to four weeks depending on the time they came in and the situation that caused them to be late.

    I did not care what "Sammy's mother" said or did with her kids.  She was not responsible for mine.

    I have five that were born within seven years.  That means there were always four teenagers in the house for seven years.

    All are now successful, independent, responsible adults with children of their own who groan and complain about how strict their parents are.

    The parents tell them to call me and find out what the rules were when they were growing up.  The kids soon know when it's time to hush.

    You do what your father said.  If you are going to "go wild" once you leave home, then it sounds like neither parent did a good job teaching you how to be a mature college student.

    PS  Seventeen is NOT almost grown.  Believe me.

  5. I do because I know what I was up to at 17 ( 4 years ago) and after midnnight I was uzsually up to no good, as are most people that are out at 1-2 oclock in the morning.  Go out earlier!

  6. im a senior too and my curfew is 1:00 am

  7. i say that 10:30 -11 is a good cerfew...after that every closes, except places you should not be!

  8. Yes and midnight is late enough.You really can't stay out as late as you want in college,unless you want to flunk out.You can't stay out as late as you want when you have a job either,unless you want to lose it. It's called responsibility and life is a lot more than one big party. Even my GROWN kids at home still have curfews. House rules.

  9. Yes they should have a curfew, untill you are 18 you are still your parents responsibility and not yet considered an adult. Curfew doesnt mean a parent is too strict, it means they care. Everybody has rules to follow even adults what better place to start trust than a good curfew/rule to follow. If a child can abide by their curfew then I would trust them more to have other priviledges, the minute curfew is broken then yes I will get stricter and many priveldges will be taken. The excuse of too strict because of a curfew causing them to go wild later is nutts. Kids make choices dont blame your parents for your stupidity.

  10. 17 is not grown. You have less than a year left before you can stay out as late as you want. Wait those few months to get to college so you can really let your hair down. You ARE mature enough to hang on for that, aren't you? Of course if you're still living at home you're going to have to continue to do as your parents say since it's still their house and they're paying, but yeah.

    As for going wild, it's going to happen no matter what. Better when you're 18 and no longer your parents' legal responsibility than 17 and having to answer to the authorities and being charged with negligence or something else when you get in trouble or hurt.

    They're just doing their jobs as parents. Curfews are designed to bring you home where it's safe at a time when most hoodlums are out doing their thing. As a their kid you don't truly understand this, but your parents worry. They're not trying to cramp your style or ruin your social life, they just want you home and safe so they can sleep soundly. If you're even being allowed to be out until midnight at 17, you're very lucky and have no place to complain; most kids are supposed to be home by 10pm. You should be happy with what you have.

    You'll have plenty of time to run around and be crazy when you're out of their house. When you're at college, if you live away from your parents, you don't even have to go home at the end of the night! It's true freedom, so just hang on so you can truly appreciate the freedom when it comes to you.

  11. I never had a curfew and I didn't get in much trouble..I grew up in Miami. Not as bad as NYC, but not all that good. I can understand your dad because a lot of stuff happens, and the later it gets the more stuff that happens. And in NYC you take public transportation every where so that raises or risk of something happening. I know it sucks but just wait one more year. You'll be in college and it won't matter.

    BTW I am 20 years old married, going to school and living on my own for almost 2 years, and NO kids. My mom passed a year ago so we have been surviving on our own. I agree that allowing freedom teaches you indepence.

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