
Do you think sexual promiscuity runs in the Palin Family?

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How far do you think the rabbit hole will go with this unknown politician?




  1. I am laughing my backside off over the Genius McCain's Veep choice. Maybe he was doing the wrong kind of background check.

  2. Teenagers having s*x?  How scandalous!

  3. did you have s*x at 17..does it run in your family? how is anything about that any different than anyone elses family? very few people make it into adulthood being a virgin...perhaps you should look in the mirror before you judge others for sins you too have commited

  4. Sarah has 5 kids with the same man. How is that promiscuity? So her 17 year old daughter had s*x.  As the mother of a teenager I hope that my daughter listens to what I have taught her about s*x and life, but if something were to happen and she became pregnant I would support her.  

  5. What does it matter?  They are not running for pope.  I guess you libs must all be ready for sharia law.  No s*x, but all the criminals, racism and terrorist activities you can sink your teeth into.  Pathetic.....just pathetic.  

  6. You are just jealous of any sexual topic because your too ugly to get any.

    Anyone with a family knows your kids are always going to sneak out, tell a fib, walk on the far left of what you believe in and teach them at some point and if you dont think so than you live on a deserted island or in a hole yourself.

  7. it runs out of control in the democratic party. look at the history of the kennedy's, the clintons. the edwards the sexual assault's committed by these dem 's is out of control

  8. No but certainly in the first family of the Democratic Party, the Kennedys. The Godfather himself, Senator Ted Kennedy actually killed someone while involved in extra-marital promiscuous activity.

    By the way, that was a lovely tribute to the senior Senator from Massachusetts at the Democratic convention. But I was wondering, if it was honor drunks and killers night, where was Charlie Manson?

  9. Rage against liberals.........I'd suggest you change your name before you tell others what to do and expect them to listen.

  10. It tends to run in families and circles of friends.

  11. being promiscuous implies that you know something that we do not was Palins daughter a call girl or prostitute or is she just another teenager who got caught up in the moment and did not use protection or maybe she did use protection you do not know that and it is no ones business but her own why is it such hot news when these girls get pregnant when there are babies having babies all over the world

  12. It must go pretty deep, if you ask me. I wouldnt be surprised if we uncover some infedelity later on.

    As for you bailie28 - speak for your self, my parents taught me right, so I turned out ok unlike you and your promiscuis friends!!

  13. I feel for Sarah.

    As the father of a 16 year old daughter, I worry about things like this.

    I feel it is not an issue of promiscuity, but a teen who feels she knows more than her parents, especially about "love".

    Two larger concerns bother me, though.

    1) Why the need to hide the whole thing, rather than letting it blow up out of control?

    2) What about the father? Is he going to be free to skip away from all this?

  14. That is the same in any family, its a pity that it is public.

  15. Maybe we should send them to the Groinacologist

  16. I would say so with 5 kids and her daughter now knocked up!

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