My friend is 33 years old and has a 10 year old daughter, a 7 year old daughter, a 2 year old daughter, and she's 7 months pregnant with a baby boy. She and her husband both work from home and make great money, and both participate pretty equally in taking care of the kids.
Anyways I'm pregnant with my first child, and I was talking to her about how scary everybody makes parenting sound. She told me, "I really don't think parenting is as stressful as people make it sound. People tell you all the time how hard it is...and sure there have been some chaotic times, but really I find it to be a humbling very enjoyable experience. I rarely have to discipline the older girls and my young one throws tantrums every now and then but it's usually no big deal. Just relax."
It is true I've rarely seen her kids back talk or do anything terrible, and when they do misbehave she's firm with discipline but not harsh. I guess I'm wondering if she's lying or if really for some people parenting isnt that hard. Her husband has told me before he thinks parenting is fun and only sometimes does he truly get stressed. And she told me they still manage to have s*x once or twice a week uninterrupted, and they schedule a romantic dinner once a week.
Could they be covering up the chaos? Or is parenting really that vastly different for everyone?