
Do you think she's rude or is it just me

by  |  earlier

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I want to buy a dog and obviously I have a few questions before I want to buy the best one for our household. I just got a sms that said we must rather leave the deal, because she can't reply to all my messages and calls(wich was only 2), because she is a busy woman! How rude




  1. I wouldn't buy the dog from her, if she can't even find the time to repsond to you then she must not have time to even care for the dogs. Which means the dogs probably have an attitude or is rude like her. Go elsewhere!

  2. I'm the type who would respond with, "Oh, ever so sorry for asking questions. d**n this desire to make the right choice!"

    What a self-important b****!

  3. extremely rude!

  4. If she doesn't care what kind of home she's putting her pups or dog into, then she doesnt' care about her animals.

    Take your questions and your money to someone else. Don't support HER 'busy' life.

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