
Do you think she is too skinny?

by  |  earlier

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So, I told my father I wanted to lose weight, and he said that I should find a picture of the body I aspire to to keep me motivated.

I showed him this:

and he got all freaked out and thought I wanted to be anorexic.

But she's like average..... maybe even a little on the heavy side. At least in my eyes.

Is she really that skinny?




  1. way to skinny.  

  2. Umm yeah thats wayy to skinny to be the truth and all you dont need to be that skinny...

  3. not too skinny to me.

    but then again, i have an eating disorder and want to look like this...

    the girl in the pic isnt heavy though.

    shes nice and tiny

  4. Yep, they aer BOTH underweight. Notice how keira knightley looks like she has a bobble head!

  5. WAY too skinny.

  6. both of those"'women" are nasty skeletons

  7. didnt both of them have eating disorders and health problems from their weight? if you think thats on the heavy side ur crazy,  they are both very unhealthy.

  8. a liittle thin, but not anorexic

  9. I think you have a seriously distorted body image. Get some professional help.

  10. yea they both look underweight! and who wants to be skinny and boring lol!

  11. She's not heavy at all, what are you talking about? The fact that you see her as heavy is alarming to me and makes it sound as though you DO have an eating disorder of some sort... Honey, speaking from experience, you need to be happy with you! If you look at models/actresses and think you need to look like that, you're wrong. Yes, those girls are gorgeous, but you should realize that a lot of photos of models/celebs are air brushed.

    Be happy with you, please.

  12. definatly NOT on the heavy side.

  13. i think that is skinny and definitely not on the heavy side. and Kiera Knightly looks like she has a gigantic head since her body is so tiny

  14. I think the first one is too skinny

    and kiera is a little better

    but i don't think those are

    too good of pictures to be motivated by.

    the first picture,

    all  it will do is make you wanna get skinnier and

    be even skinner than her.

    (which is wayyy to skinny)

    Just eat normal foods,

    no hamburgers,

    no foods after 6pm,

    find a good sport you like (dance, soccer, etc.)

    and your good to go.

  15. shes skinny but not too skinny

  16. yes she is really sickly skinny looking

    u don't have to b that skinny to b beautiful =];...

  17. Most models are very skinny but you cant tell how tiny that girl is since she is wearing a dress covering herself up.

    First, you should be health for your body size and shape. Dont try to make yourself someone you shouldnt be esp if its not healthy for you. Get in shape and whatever results you get embrace and enjoy. Nothing is better than being fit and happy.

    Look into doing cardio like running, walking, swimming and biking. To drop fat and then once you have done that look at possibly lifting weights or crunches, lunges squats things like that to build up muscle. Lean muscle after burning off almost all your fat will look GREAT on about anyone.

    If you get in shape and eat right, get good sleep and take some days break during the week for your body to recover in a few months time youll see results and be very happy with what you see.

    Just be willing to have it take a few months maybe 3 to see results. Drink water too plenty and the water you drink when you work out doesnt count towards your 8 glasses a day. Eat right I know I already said that but if you work out you cant stick to a 1500 calorie diet unless you dont want your body to perform the way it needs to. Also dont push yourself too hard when you start working out its something you build into, start out with about 3 days a week building up to 4-6 days a week.

    Dedication is key good luck and dont turn into a rail thin model that no one can see walk by

    Be health and happy and everyone will be like WOW I want to look like her and be happy like her

    It'll help your confidence

  18. i can't really tell with that pic, but that girl was UGLY

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