
Do you think she thinks I'm mean?

by  |  earlier

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There's an older woman I work and she told somebody that when she sees me at work, she barely gets a smile or wave outta me and I'm really quiet. She said a few times I'll give a small wave, but other than that, she doesn't get much from me. The person she told said that I'm sweet.

Do you think she thinks I'm mean based on what she said?




  1. no but still you should be friendly and talk to her  

  2. To me, based on your description, it seems that you are maybe a little shy and like to keep to your self. Which is what you should do at work. Does it bother you if she thought you were mean? Who cares right. Just as long as you are doing what you are supposed to be doing then why does it matter to this other woman?

  3. Well quiet frankly, she shouldn't expect anything from you.  She is not your keeper. It's the workplace, if you don't smile at her or wave to her when she thinks you should, then that is her problem.  I am the same way as you and people take an issue with me when they think that I am not smiling enough or being as jovial enough for them.  I will acknowledge people if they have something to say but otherwise I'm not the smiling, lets all be friends kind of person. She might think that you are mean but that is really her issue and from what you are saying, I don't think that you are mean.  She needs to realize that everyone has a different personality.

  4. You can't please everyone. Not saying that you try, I'm just saying that everyone has an opinion and that not everyone will like you for you. Not to get too religious but look at Jesus. He was PERFECT and people still had a problem with him...

  5. mhmm,she makes you seem a bit

    uptight maybe stuckup dont listen

    to people who tell you stuff your not

  6. Maybe she thinks you're shy.

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