
Do you think she thinks I was trying to take advantage of her (that wasn't my intent)?

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I'm a 21 y/o college student and I go to see a psychology student at my university for therapy. I started with a new therapist a few weeks ago after requesting a change in therapist. Well, my therapists discusses things with me for a really long time. She'd always initiate the next part in our discussion & I'd answer her questions. Or I'd ask response questions and she'd answer for clarification. She'd always say well if you have more time than we can keep talking. Last week I told her if she had the time that'd be great, thanks. She said she had time and that she really enjoys talking to me. That I was easy to talk with and I'm an easy patient. I never initiated more discussion I always waited for her to end it, I enjoyed talking to her too. Well, today she didn't do that and was very picky about the time. I didn't act any differently, I just thanked her and left like always.




  1. It is most likely because she just had other appointments or things on her mind. As a therapist she would be up front with you if she thought you were taking advantage of her. If it continues to happen then just casually bring it up to her. You can also make a comment to her that you appreciate all her extra time and thank her for it. I wouldn't take it personally just remember she has a life too and is most likely just had other things on her mind that day.

  2. Maybe she had to go somewhere. I wouldn't read too much into it. Wow, I didn't know you could get counseling from a psych student. Maybe I should look into that, I assume it's cheaper.

  3. I seriously doubt she thought you were taking advantage of a situation in which she has asked you to stay and engage in further IF you have the time.  Since you have generally participated in this and enjoyed it, seemingly, as much as she has, I would not read ANYTHING else into this, UNLESS, something precipitated a change in her behavior, such as maybe not liking the session as much, you seem to be butting heads more, or she gave advice you didn't agree with.  I think this was simply she had something else she needed to tend to, or even, PERHAPS, she might have been advised to stick closer to the scheduled times and to not allow them to go over like she has.  If it bothers you, perhaps you can start you next session by stating how much you have enjoyed the extra attention and talks you have had with her and hope she doesn't feel as if you are taking advantage of the situation, and if ever she needs to cut your sessions back to the alloted time, to please let you know, and that you will most certainly understand if she needs to leave for another appointment, or commitment.  I think you did the right thing, simply thanking her and leaving, but I think you think you have done something to offend her.  Surely your relationship is sufficient at this point for you to be open and honest and simply ask her if you have done something to upset her?  I hope this helps you!  Good luck!

  4. I think you're overthinking the whole thing.  I tend to do that myself, so I understand, but it was probably nothing to do with you.

  5. maybe something was going on in her life that she couldn't just talk about at that time.  that or she was having a bad day...  She is a student you know how hard school is.. maybe something was going on...  

    Just keep doing what your doing!

  6. Every day is different and there are sometimes demands on your time and sometimes there are not.  She thought nothing about it.  Perhaps, if you want to spend more time with her, schedule a longer session.

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