
Do you think she would say yes?

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okay theres this girl ive been talkin to for the past 2 weeks or so

in health class

i think she likes me but im not sure

and my locker is like right next to hers

and after school today i was like

are you going out with anyone?

then she sed no

so i sed so you wana go out with me?

and she was like, uhmm i'll think about it

it took her about 3 seconds or so to say it

and after that, she just kinda walked fast/ran away

i know im terrible at asking girls out

so uhh u think she'll say yes?

need all opinions

best answer gets 10 pts

need explanations too




  1. haha my relationship started with liking someone in my health class

    that's cute

    anyways, maybe she was just caught off guard

    or, honestly, maybe she's not into you

    ask her again in a few days, and don't be offended if she says no

  2. yeah she might say yes. most likely yes she will. you just caught her by suprise and she wasnt sure what to do. just be friendly with her and the next time you see her dont talk about this right away let her bring it up so shes not pressured or anything and feels awkward. dont worry i think she will say yes. she was just embarressed. and shocked. good luck! thanks for anwering mine!

  3. ok first of all, u gotta get to know her ask her if she liked class and try not to sound too hyper, relax and just be yourself but not in a geeky way. try to hang out with her just a little bit and then try to hang out with her more so you'll get used to it and maybe you could get  her phone number and call her and talk maybe say something funny to make her laugh and she'll want to talk to you more and then u ask her if she's busy on whatever day u think u wanna ask her and tell her that you wanna go to this movie you have never seen but u wanna see and all your friends are busy so you dont know who to go with and ask her if she'll want to come along to just have fun watching a movie. plain and simple thats all you need to do. just give her time to get to know you and she'll feel comfortable and trust me i'm a girl and she WILL say yes

  4. well ehm dabombb,

    she's hesitant.

    if she's rlly pretty and a bit stuck up

    then its a slight chance of no.

    i agree with the first guy

    if she shows signs like hi or do the OBVIOUS NOTICING you alot then perhaps yes/or if she is shy she would do the shy smile then yes. slight chance cuzzzzzin.

    usually girls dont turn down a guy afraid she will break his heart!

    i know dissss, why? cuz i turn down one once it broke him apart

    i regret thattttt shouldve told him straightout... oh wells

    ne ways

    the pinoys play hard to get cuz they ... IDK what it is

    but you know the viets play hard to 637 CUZ 7H3Y 15 :DDDD like me

  5. thanx for your advice on my question and I think she likes you. Shes really shy.

  6. lol i think she s gonna say no.. cuz if she would like you she would of said yes on the spot.. and idk she ran away from you so thats not good..

  7. Well first of all.... you shouldn't have gone in so fast. But since you already did it and can't go back, the best thing to do is try to talk to her seriously, but not in an overwhelming way, you know?

    1. Don't bring up the subject of you asking her out so soon again.

    2. Get to know her more. (talk with her, yet again, not stalking)

    3. Tell her a bit about yourself, interests, etc. (be sincere)

    4. Tell her what you think about her (but caution, don't go straight to the point yet. simply say something like, "well, you're quite lovely," and she'll most likely say "thanks" and give a small smile or something like that)

    5. continue conversing

    6. After enough time has past getting to know her, bring up the question, "so what do you think about me?"...(this brings your way in to asking her out in a better way)

    7. If she seems to like you, go ahead and retell her what you think of her, ( try to stay away from physical descriptions about her body... but her face, smile, eyes, etc, are okay)

    8. Depending on how she answered, you'll know how to ask her out. Or maybe you'll decide you don't really like her, but most likely you will, but if you don't feel safe asking her out yet, just wait, no hard feelings yet. and become her friend, and over time, maybe you'll get a second chance.

    ---Good Luck!!!!

    answer mine:;...

  8. ur cow p**p

  9. Sounds Like something very similar to what happened to me. I asked this girl out in a comparable way that you did, ok so i wrote it in a note and she told me the same thing I will tell you tomorrow. Now if it similar to what happened to me than she will say yes. It could be that you caught her off guard and she didn't know what to say at that moment. IF everything is really going like how you stated than I wouldn't be too worried but be prepared in case she says no.

    I would be willing to bet that she is going to say yes. If she was gonna say no she would have said it to you right when you asked, but be prepared for anything.

  10. you are just going to have to watch for the signs.  If she starts to get closer to you and show you more attention, then it's a yes.

    If anything she at least acts like a casual aquaintance but doesn't bring up your question, then it's a no.

  11. tell her that u can freak her right and she'll be like OMG BLADIBLAH BLAH BLAH

    lets ****?

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