
Do you think showing ads for meat in the vegan section is just distasteful?

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Browsing this section, I see ads with disgusting close-ups of rotting flesh and it makes me feel sick to my stomach. Why is Yahoo! showing ads for the bodies of murdered animals in the vegetarian section? We're the least likely to click.




  1. I don't see why ads for meat would show "rotting flesh" but most meat eaters wouldn't care if they saw vegetable ads in the meat section and a lot of meat eaters hate vegies.  Seems like a double standard to me.

  2. Man I feel like a BIG Juicy Rare Angus Steak.

  3. yea its pretty disrespectful

  4. I'm a vegan so I would agree,yeah that isn't where those kind of adds should be. If i saw some meat add while I was eating I would spit out my food. or something of that. so yeah I agree with you

  5. no thats fricken hilarious lol!

  6. AAAAaahahahahahaha

    That's hysterical!

    Like when I go to the gym and they show nothing but fast food on the monitors! Why don't they show a bunch of fat slobs for motivation!!!!

  7. I'm a vegetarian and as a vegetarian, I feel it is my job to stick to my comittment  and not click on those ads. Some vegetarians though, don't eat red meat, but they eat white meat so they would be more likely to click on that ad.

  8. Sounds like the ad people REALLY want you to convert!

    I wouldnt waste My money targeting a group that obviously did not want My product.

    Why am I so hungry all of a sudden???

  9. Aww boo-hoo, you must be liberal cry about it no one really cares about you being offended by it and no lawyer even ones on crack would take a case of something like that just go stuff a 5 lb watermelon in your face full speed.

    Go get some counseling and eat some real food.Thanks for the 2 points.

  10. If the ad works, run it.

    I expect lots of non-vegetarians read vegan stuff, inlcuding some who only eat fish or who only eat fish and poultry, and some who are vegan usually for health reasons, but figure an occasional hunk of beef is OK.   Such people may respond well to the ads.

    If you have psychological problems seeing what 99% of the human race considers to be food, you need therapy.  Be vegan, that's fine, but there is no reason for you to try to silence everyone else.  If you start going down that road, then you being vegan may not be so OK.

  11. I think the ads for food (not exactly "rotting flesh") just pop up indiscrimately, as you browse through the sections on Yahoo Answers.  I'm sure they aren't deliberately targeting the vegetarian section to put them:)

  12. Well I'm Not a Vegan So I have no Problem With it! Thanks for the 2 points!!

  13. I'm not normally one to put a positive spin on stuff ... but hey if vegetarians/vegans get the all the meat ads than that means less meat-eater encouragement goes to actual meat-eaters right?

    Score-one Veges!!!

  14. That's pretty funny, but it's a waste of advertising money and effort.  Kind of like a Jehovah's Witness knocking on your door.

  15. not distasteful, friggin hillarious, but not distasteful. i think someone at the company probably wasnt thinking.

  16. Me,Me,Me

  17. Sadly,Yahoo like other businesses aren't bothered about feelings or Morales only the mighty dollar or pound.

    I never look at adverts on Internet or t.v,if i want to buy something go out to shops.

    Can you imagine how much yahoo makes from adverts good or bad,i bet its mind blowing.

  18. it's annoying, but like michael H stated, nothing will happen until someone takes action about it.

    the ones that get me are for (i think) the humane society, and they show pictures of a starving, beaten, and neglected dog alongside a statement that it takes three days to starve a dog, or something to that effect.  that ad makes me sick to my stomach every time i see it!  there are obvious reasons why they would post that in the v & v, but it's still terribly upsetting.  i donate money and supplies to a local shelter and that ad still makes me feel like a horrible person for not spending every waking hour there.  =(

    how about the new one that reads "smash the bug, get a HOT ringtone!" and has a shoe that you're supposed to click on to smash ladybugs and beetles......also distasteful in a vegan section, lol.

    cat p: good point!

  19. arrh, i firmly beleive in action rather than moaning.

    You could write to the advertisers, quote thier advert, show how they are being insulting, threaten them with the ISA or even lodge a complain with the ISA - its just an on-line form.

    show the advertisers screen clips of thier advert next to the rants of a troll. They will not want to be associated with that, will they ?

    I did all the above last year. Where are Sainsbury's adverts now ? They withdrew thier Yahoo Support after much too-ing and froo-ing and long conf calls with thier "people"

    During all those discussions Yahoo revealed that they will only sell ads down to the main category level ( food and drink ) after that you get rotated into the various sections.

    If you don't like something, do something about it.

    I personally object to all the adverts for dating agencies.....

  20. Uhm, I am not a vegan but seeying rotting flesh would bother me as well.

    Having said this, it wouldn't bother me "enough". Thinking of it I'd even eat a hamburger now, or a quarter of a chicken or even a good leg of lamb.

    So I can only conclude that I'd only really put off by "smelling" the rotting flesh.

    But yeah, the vegan section should be shielded by this kind of stuff, I agree with you.

  21. Mm, it would definitely be more considerate to put some restrictions.  Perhaps you could try suggesting that, with the "Tell us what you think" link at the bottom of the page.

    I don't think there's a need for the minor hostility around here though.

  22. I think many would agree that it is a rather small (and very trivial) price to pay for being able to post here for without a membership fee.

    I know of one website/org that will charge you a $16 "membership" fee so they can send you emails telling you what you should do.  Lke solicit more money or put up flyers for them.

  23. yes

    please answer;...

  24. Well, I'm not vegetarian myself but I think its just an Ad in the wrong place, and YOU should be happy because its a waste for the advertisers money.

  25. ABSOLUTELY. (if thats how u spell that... (: )

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