
Do you think sign language should be the universal second language?

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to the one who said it was "used far less than mandarin or spanish" yeah, I know, I was asking if it should be something taught to people all over the world, one language that EVERYONE could understand.




  1. I think so....have you ever seen the studies where they compare facial expressions (how we express our emotions) between people from different areas around the world? We all seem to have the same expressions for pain, happiness, anger, etc, etc. I find this interesting..well if we express emotion the same..we possible can understand ones 'body language..hence sign language' I think this would be a great universal code for communicating with each other.

  2. If you've ever been around someone who is hearing-impaired, you'd know that it is often quite difficult to share a conversation with them because unless they have an interpreter who can read and tell you what they are trying to say, they can read your lips or have some type of speech-translation device, you have to write everything down.

    I think that if there were such a thing as a sign language that could be a universally accepted way of communicating, it would help a great deal and that it should ABSOLUTELY BE A REQUIREMENT TO LEARN.

    (I am meaning this in general and not to be mean to anyone, but...) Too many people go to a country that is foreign to them and they expect US to know THEIR language and if sign language were to be required, people could communicate with each other by having to know signs that were generally accepted and which would break through any and all language barrier differences and it would also help those who were hearing-impaired, too.

  3. yes, that is one language that everyone is capable of undersanding, without having to worry about if you are saying it the right way.

  4. No.  It is used far less than many other languages, like Mandarin or Spanish.

  5. yes beacause if the person you are talking to is deaf you just have to use your hands to make them understand the words or things you want to say to them........and using this skill, you can also earn more patience to the poeple around you.......

  6. yes and what a good question that is.have a star.

  7. Yes!  I've never heard this proposed before, but I think it's a fantastic idea!

  8. Veronica, Yes dear I do it is a beautiful language.

  9. No.

  10. maybee.. i think spanish should be more tho lol

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