
Do you think silence is a sound.

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Me and my m8 were debating over is silence a sound ?

If u think about it, It's never silent.

Your opinions and debates please ?




  1. no in science,

    yes in art.

  2. Yes it is. In my AP music theory class we discovered that all the rests between notes make the melody cohesive and give it a good transition. During a rest no note is played, yet it is part of the music.

    therefore silence is a sound.

    Then again this question is philiosophical, it's like asking if "clear" is a color.

  3. Silence is defined as the lack of audible sound, but the key is what we define as audible since this would rely on the method used to listen. Additionally it would rely on the hearing range of the person listening. Example someone with really good hearing would hear a frog belch where someone with mediocre hearing wouldn't hear a squirrel scream yet both are not as good as a sensitive electronic listening device. And yes if a tree falls in the forest but no one is the to hear it, it would make a sound if but only heard by the soul of the forest. Have a great debate.

  4. Silence isnt a sound..

    to have a sound, you would need a soundwave.

    Without a soundwave you have silence. Thus, No sound.

    Or as the other person said, Its a absence of sound.

  5. Everywhere in our known universe there is constant sound, even in the vacuum of space.  Humans can only hear a small range, but there are always sound waves around us.  I think that the concept of true silent...which is the complete absence of sound waves...cannot exist.  At least not in the universe that we are subject to.  However, the concept of silence that most humans understand, and for the purposes of this debate...yes, silence is a state in which a human can perceive no sound, but there are still sound waves around...therefore, silence is a sound.

  6. Yes I do, just because you can't hear something doesn't mean its not there.

  7. I don't think it's actually a sound but sometimes if it's too quiet I have to turn the radio or something on because I get kind of a roaring/buzzing sound in my ears. It's kind of like when you put a sea shell against your ear. It really bothers me.

  8. I'd have to say silence is the absence of sound - which you may or may not experience depending on where you live.

  9. From a purely scientific standpoint, I'd agree with Funky G (I can't believe I just said that with a straight face).

    If sound is vibration, then silence is the absence of those vibrations.

    p.s. - What you're later describing is called "white noise" (those extra sound waves).  Silence is silence.

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