
Do you think so that the dark circle around the eyes happened only with the ppl who has deepset eyes?

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I do not sure that the slant eyes girls like chinese girls have the dark circle area around the eyes? but as I observe, all ppl who has big eyes, projection forhead or high nasel tend to have dark circle around the eyes? the example, aishwarya rai, she always having panda color arounding her eyes in all of her movies, also I've read the book that

aishwarya rai also said that she suffering with the problem,having the panda eyes. so, I'd like to know. -is it the norm that all ppl with deepest-set eyes tend to have dark circle around the eyes? and do you think so, that the dark area around the eyes, makes

akes the eyes stand out and appeared bigger?




  1. i'm not sure...I have big eyes and they are blue/green. I also have dark circles...but I cover that up with Concealer!

  2. There are many causes to under-eye dark circles. Stress, lack of sleep, allergies, stress and even genetics (which would mean that the individual would have inherited thinner skin beneath their eyes).

    I do think that typically, Asians have less dark circles... I think this because, dark circles *show up less* with thicker/fuller skin, which as you know, Asians have more fatty tissue above and below our eyes.

  3. I heard tat it could be from not gettin alot of rest,

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