
Do you think society is becoming more and more souless?

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Do you think society is becoming more and more souless?




  1. I can agree with that. With everything that is going on and the media coverage, not much is too shocking anymore. Unfortunately, some have grown numb and don't care anymore about anything.

  2. Yes.

    As political power shifts ever closer to belong to the economists and business people, the soul is becoming less important to the vast majority of people living on this planet.

    Pretty soon, we will destroy ourselves for that elusive thing called "growth".

    "Growth" can also refer to a tumourous thing.

  3. Yeah, everyones into r&b now.

  4. Without a doubt. There is little or no community , so little trust.We have become a society wher those that live outside the law ( criminals etc) get protected by it and the poor old citizen cops it every time. we need less Do gooders and more doers of good!!!!!!!!!!1

  5. My dad said the same thing, so did my granddad and his dad and so on. Every generation thinks we are less caring then the previous.

    Less % of people die of hunger, war,  childhood sickness and natural calamities now then at any other time. So why are we soulless again?

  6. yep. and a lot of other things too

  7. without a doubt. . . unfortunately. . .

  8. Society is becoming more souless.  People just do not care about others anymore.  Just walk around, people will  walk in to you.  Everyone is on their cell phones even when it is rude like in a movie theater.  These are little things but people are becoming desensitized.

  9. no unless you read/watch the news

  10. I would have to agree that it is. We like to read about all of the bad things that happen to other people. It is sad the levels we have reached.

  11. Not out in the country, we still actually talk to our neighbours here.

  12. Yes.  It's c**p nowadays.

  13. yes i would move  to different county if i could there is no respect and you get dragged down by other peoples behaviour

  14. No question about it- souless and selfish.

  15. Open s*x on the T.V.

         Robberies and, shootings without regards.

        divorces are rampant and, not taken seriously anymore.

         Open and free marriages.

         Kids committing crimes, killing.

          Do I have to gone on ? you draw your own conclusions.

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