
Do you think some Democrats will give their votes to McCain just because Obama is not a Caucasion American?

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We say we don't see color, but this country has repeatedly proven that racism is a major factor. This could be possibly due to stereotypes linked with various cultures. How can we be honest about life if we cannot admit that America has not combat the problem of racism. Never have I heard so many racist remarks until Obama was nominated to run for president. Be true to yourself if you can't see past the race issue. All responses are welcome.




  1. Hiya,

    If Obama does not win this is the sole reason. Lower class whites will not vote for him. We still have not moved past that.


  2. I am being true to myself.  I am voting for McCain because I agree with his stances on issues that are important to me.  I don't care what color he is.

  3. how many blacks will vote for him just because he is black ? is that not racism ?

  4. I'm in Pennsylvania, so yes. I have family members who will have a difficult time voting a black into office.  

  5. I know down here in the south that ppl are stating aloud they would rather see him dead than see a black man run this country.  He IS 1/2 white ppl...wake UP!  Why cant they see that?

    Stupidity- I expect...

    Now we a choice of a dumbass female on the other side to vote for...whoopie...good choices we have here folks!

  6. I think that's what McCain is counting on. Barack Obama is the better choice. I hope the American people will see that. Bush has dragged this country down for far too long and John McCain will continue to do the same.


  7. I have older Democratic family members not voting for him because of that. Tis sad they haven't broken free of their upbringing by their ages.

  8. Some not all white people have a superiority complex, they just have to be better the everyone else, black, Latin, asian it doesn't matter.

  9. There is a certain percentage who will do so, but not enough to swing the election.  The hard core racists are a non-factor.  

  10. as an Obama supporter, it is my fear that many people will see SKIN COLOR before anything.  Since a white man  has traditionally been in the white house, and carried the title, "President of the United States", many people want that to continue.  So there you go.  The ones who are for tradition will vote McCain, Dem or Rep!  

    IN my opinion, skin color WILL decide this election.  

  11. You are so right

    I have never seen a presidential campaign where so many racist comments coming out

    But how can you stop the Obama's from making them

  12. When that curtain closes 75 to 90% of the voters blacks are included are going to see black person or white person. This is not right but it is a fact

  13. I think he's maybe 12.5% black or something. You are right though that he's not really caucasian.  I think his inexperience may be a factor, also many believe his politics lean very far left, though democrats in general seem to be very proud of being against racism.  If these racist remarks were read online you should note that internet folk tend to think much more radically than the average.  I do think that the race thing is a factor but I can't see it hurting him any more than it's helped him.

  14. Sure there will be. Especially in the South!

    Well, as far as I am concerned Obama is as white as he is Black. Probably more so as he grew up white!

    I think the children and young adults of today "get it"! They are probably waiting for all the racist to die!

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