
Do you think some at YA are mean and hateful because that's who they are in REAL life, or is it just on line?

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Do you think some at YA are mean and hateful because that's who they are in REAL life, or is it just on line?




  1. I think it is a little bit of both.

  2. i say its just online

    they probably wont get in some ones face with the c**p the say

  3. Well I imagine you would get a good insight into someones character if you took note of there answers and questions.

    If they are always mean and nasty I would say that is probably how they are in reality too.

  4. I think online is an outlet for what people really want to say in real life but can't because they would either get beat up for fired.

    But not always just mostly.

  5. Yes, I think they are mean and hateful in real life....some may say that they have confidence because theyre talking thru an avatar.....but I believe that they are mean in real life....ive met ppl who i come into contact with in real life who are rude, no manners, mean etc.

  6. It's probably very situational, just like in real life.  

  7. I have had the misfortune to meet some that are offensive in every thought and deed in real life, I can only imagine how they would be online.

  8. I do not think there is a strong correlation between a user's own real-life personality and his or her online behavior.  By that logic, we must also assume that those with extra accounts are afflicted with multiple-personality disorder.  (Though it may be true for a few folks, it is not the general rule of thumb, so to speak.) LOL 3X.

  9. This is due to people being cowardly, which is partially up to them, but also a by-product of an overly politically-correct society. I'm a quiet guy in real life, but I vent on-line. Although if I had to, I could in real life too. However, brain damage makes it harder to marshal my words, and typing them is easier. I think most people just do it because they can, human nature is a ***** in many ways, I'm afraid!

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