
Do you think some black people are the original Hebrews? Could you tell me who are the lost tribes of Israel?

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  1. Israelites are desendants of Jacob who was a desendant of Shem. Does that mean he was black? No. Jacob could be a white man with Blue eye and Blonde hair, do that mean the Israleites were white? No. We must understand the 70 Israelites were in Egypt 400 years later they left Egypt numbering over 2 million 70 people in 400 years could not make 2 million marring amonst thereself. So they had to mix with the Egyptians. Egyptians were desendants of Ham son Mizraim the brother of Cush. Moses pass as an Egyptian and live in Pharoahs house. Even paul was believe to be a Egyptian,

    Acts 21: 38 Art not thou that Egyptian, which before these days madest an uproar, and leddest out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers? 39 But Paul said, I am a man of Israel (Hebrew) ....

    With that being said the Israelites looked like, similar the Egyptians from intermarriage.


    Act13:1"Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain PROPHETS AND TEACHERS: as Barnabas, and SIMEON THAT WAS CALLED NIGER, AND LUCIUS OF CYRENE, and Manaen which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Shaul (Paul)".

    The word Niger is a Latin word that means BLACK, and Cyrene is a city in Libya, which is located in North Africa.This man who was called Niger wasn't called black because he was the only black- skinned person there. He was called black because his hue was maybe darker than the rest of the prophets and teachers.

  2. Black's are the original Hebrew's of the old and new

    testament times of the bible.

    Saul, was a black man.As it is written when he said:

    "don't persecute me because i am black".

    David, was his father.Christ came in the linage of David.

    So they were all black Hebrew's.

    But,there are 2 COVENANT'S thereof.

    Christ brought forth The New Covenant of the bible

    which included Salvation and opportunity for ALL


    The Hebrew Israelite was then not the only ones

    to be called "The Children of God".

    It was already Predestinated that the Hebrew children

    would REJECT Christ in order to keep their own

    principals.lifestyles, and traditions.

    So God had predestinated the new COVENANT

    to be a CHANGE AND TURNING POINT for World

    existence,and everyone is invited to His Kingdom

    through a Born Again Image of a spiritual concept.

    The lost tribes of Israel is descendants from the original

    Hebrew Children.

    The 14 lost books of the bible tells of their explots ,wars

    lifestyles and connection with God.

    Tobit,Bell and the dragon,Baruch.1st and 2nd Esdras ,

    just to name a few have no mention or prophecies

    about Christ.So they were not included in the original

    cannon of the bible.

    If you would like to.Go to this website: and you will have

    access to these books.

    I couldn't make out the symbol between[earth-history]

    its either a dot or, this mark  -   but thats the website

    above.           Happy Times

  3. Probably not. It is just as likely as the original Hebs were Irish or Chinese if black. If by black people you mean people who are from Africa (below sub sahara) then you need to think logically about this.

    Black people are black because of the environmental conditions in Africa.

    Just as every race changed as they inhabited every region. Most Africans who are black have been there perpetually since the human race began.

    I can see why a black person would like to think this, it is a very romantic idea, but no not likely at all.

    Another thing is Jews have been reaching out to blacks (in Africa and the US), to mentor them. It is good and just what blacks need. Jews have been terribly mistreated in the world and so have blacks, Jews are giving them a way to transform. And feel they have a home- at last.

  4. Just depends on what group of blacks you are talking about. The true Hebrews are those who are decendants of the slaves, according to the curses in Deut 28 and Lev 26. When you find these cursed people then you have found the true Israelites, because the curses are a sign. True Israel will not be in Israel until the messiyah returns and puts them there.

    Jeremiah 31:10

    Hear the word of the Yah, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock.

    There is no way of knowing where the tribes are and those who say they do are lying. The Most High scattered Israel, so you dont know who belongs to what tribe.

    Deuteronomy 32:26

    I said, I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men:

    Nehemiah 1:8

    Remember, I beseech thee, the word that thou commandedst thy servant Moses, saying, If ye transgress, I will scatter you abroad among the nations:

    So really all the tribes are lost, because when Israel returns to the land it will be all twelve tribes, not two tribes, that are actually German Eurpeans, claiming to be true Israel.

    Real Israel is battling the curses like being locked in jails.


    Being mistreated: Levi 26:17And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.

    Being called out of our names (coon, blackey, etc. ) Det. 28:37 AND YOU SHALL BECOME AN ASTONISHMENT, A PROVERB, AND BYWORD, AMONG ALL NATIONS WHERE YHWH SHALL LEAD YOU (in captivity).

    Sold into slavery: Deut 28:68 68 Yah will send you back in ships to Egypt on a journey I said you should never make again. There you will offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you.

    This is what real Israel is going through. If anyone fits these curses who are they and I am not talking about no one bad event that happened and now Israel is in the land. Yah said this would be forever, and he said 400 years, now who do you know that fits this description?

    Gen 15:13 13And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; 14And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance

  5. The tribe of Manasseh, son of Joseph is declared to be of Native American descent.  This is especially believed by those of L.D.S theology.  But before the inception of the L.D.S church in the early 19th century, a Dutch Jewish scholar by the name of Manasseh ben Israel believed that the Native Americans were linked with the House of Israel.  Here is an article that may be of interest, done by NOVA on the subject of the Lost Tribes.

  6. They were certainly most semitic (I wouldn't call them Palestinians since that is a recent name for the area) and therefore not black.  There was apparently one lost tribe of Israel that was black from Africa but Abraham and Moses were probably not black IMO .

  7. Here is a link, that should answer your question.

    And it is believed the lost tribes settled in,

    South Africa


    East Africa





    South America

    much later on  populations settled in Europe, but they hit all the sunny places first.

    So yes, the lost tribes of Israel did settle in Africa. Read this,

    and later went to other parts of the world.

    And from a scholarly perspective the early Hebrews were African and South Asian people. That was where the lived.

    Hebrew=Semite, not Jewish.

    "Hebrews (or Hebertes, Eberites, Hebreians "Habiu" or "Habiri"; Hebrew: עברים or עבריים, Standard ʿIvrim, ʿIvriyyim Tiberian ʿIḇrîm, ʿIḇriyyîm; meaning "descendants of biblical Patriarch Eber" or Hebrew עברי (ʿIḇrî) "traverse or pass over" (referring to the Ibri people, known in the Africa mainly Egypt and Sudan for their place of origin relative to the major culture of the time. They were called Ibri meaning the people from over on the other side of the Jordan river)[1], were people who lived in Canaan, an area encompassing Israel, both banks of the Jordan River (The West Bank and Jordan), Sinai, Lebanon, and the coastal portions of Syria Egypt and Sudan. Traditionally they are also known as the ancestors of the Israelites, who in turn were the spiritual and historical forerunners of the Jewish People."

  8. In answer to your first question we may say,  'could be'! Include also the entire European groups, middle-eastern groups etc.. Since homo sapiens traveled around alot, and still do, they left their birthrights all over the world, practically.

    The tribes of Juda and Levi are all that's left. If you want to know who the other tribes were read the Book of Genesis in your bible.


  9. In ethiopia a black population of Jews and a more recent chistain sect exist. In fact, a strong claim exists that they have the Ark of the coveneant. Thier Hebrew ancestors left at the destruction of the second Jewish temple. The christian sect was more recent but still ancient.

    Several History channel episodes feature this group.

  10. Hebrews are Palestinians. Yes they can be very dark skinned.

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