
Do you think some childrens programmes on tv are insulting to children ?

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for egsample the teletubbies for 1 they do not speak and use real language and they have stupid stories that are even too silly i find for children there not meant to be teaching our child everything but if there going to watch a programme it should be something educational really i can not see what this is teaching children theres another 1 thats new called in the night garden the show is just to silly for words they do not talk properly or use a real language my son loves it but i try not to let him watch it its like them other things that used to be on itv 3 in uk i cannot remember what it was called bu it was awfull they were bright coloured and kinda had chubby heads and fat bodys they did not talk or teach anything real either they just influence silly behaviour and my son could write better storylines and plots and hes 6 and autistic lol ! i hope you get what i mean its hard to explain lol thanks for reading




  1. I'd get what you mean better if you considered using an occasional period or comma.

    Personally, I don't feel ALL children's programming needs to be educational, but it should all be useful.  I don't care if they aren't learning school-book type stuff, as long as the show has some merit to help build problem-solving skills (Blues Clues), instill a love of music or art (Little Einsteins), get them up and moving (The Doodlebops), or even to help them realize that what they feel about certain things is normal and okay (Caillou). However, I don't let them just watch stuff that will turn their brains to mush, like Teletubbies or pretty much anything on Cartoon Network.  Those shows have NO merit and I cannot figure out how enough parents allowed their children to watch that trash that they became long-running shows.

    Why would you want to stop children from believing in "impossible" things? Imagine, if Mrs. Edison said "Now, Tommy, you need to just face the facts and realize that candles are the ONLY way to light a room" or if Mrs. Bell said "Alex, stop pretending that you could talk to someone who is in a difference house than you are!  That's impossible!" and they actually quit pushing the bounderies.  It used to be unthinkable that a person who lost a leg would be able to walk, until someone came up with the "impossible" idea of prosthetic limbs.  I mean, why would you only want children to be exposed to what we think is "possible"???

  2. Very true....another one is "Boohbah"...they are such ugly creatures and do not really teach kids anything! I used to think that these were my thoughts only..but am glad to know that there are other moms out there who feel the same way!

  3. yea its pretty stupid and pointless to us, cause were not kids. but seriously remeber watching stupid shows like barney and sesame street when you were a kid and thinking they were the greatest thing in the world. just imagine watching one of those shows now, youd think their pretty stupid as well. and as far and the teaching kids thing goes, tv shows dont really teach anyone anything, for somereason people think it does. anyways your thinking about the boohbahs with the fat bodies and blah blah blah

  4. Ok, you can't really compare Sesame Street, an educational children's show, with a nonsense show like Teletubies. Sesame Street at least has substance. I remember counting along to that Count Dracula dude on SS when I was little. I was being taught, not staring at gibberish.

  5. yep thats true some shows are really insulting children i always hated teletubbies cuz they are sò silly i think ur are right in what your saying!

  6. Kids also need to be allowed to be kids, they are silly that's what kids do.

    Yes they need to learn and mine new the alphabet, colors, number and shapes by 2 and watched the Teletubbies, its about balance, you need some nonsense in life, and I hate it when kids are just treated like machines that need to soak in education all the time, they are kids and grow up fast enough.

    We all watch shows that are just funny or you just like, it does not always have to be real life!!

  7. YES! this is why I screen very carefully what my 3 & 5 yr. olds watch. We still watch Pooh, Thomas, Wiggles, Veggie Tales, etc. At least I know what material they are seeing and the language. They hear so much negative things just from us watching the news! The age of innocents is disappearing too quickly and I'd like to keep my kids there a bit longer. I even stop watching Seasme Street when an elephant said "Whatz up man?" Language is too important to even have children programs teaching it improperly. It's bad enough we speak it, write it and type it wrong.

  8. My god! Half of the people in this section cannot write using words of punctuation correctly! And you people think that you should be teaching children??? Unbelievable!!!!

  9. Not every children's show is for educational purposes.  Some are purely for entertainment.

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