
Do you think some in New Orleans are secretly rooting for a direct hit from Gustav?

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To get some more of those government goodies?




  1. Oh, yes! We all just love having to evacuate, coming back to destroyed homes and lives. We all JUST LOVE having to bury our family members. We all just loved having to live in a tiny little s**+**y mobile home for months while we rebuilt the homes that we worked all of our lives for. And then, yes, the government makes it ALL BETTER by giving us this tiny little check. It's great!!!

    Get a clue!!!

    Do you not understand what Katrina was like? Obviously not!! I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!!!! Do you realize how many people have lived through h**l? And you think that we want to do it again? HA!!

  2. Yes, s***w their home and livelihood they just want freebies. If the sarcasm doesn't hit you then maybe someone will.

  3. Well, getting "rich" off tax dollars worked before.......

  4. I doubt that they want to go through the pain and suffering they went through before.  That is such a cruel statement made by a human being.

  5. Yeh, that below sea level h**l hole will get mo money, mo money and mo money. Brad Pitt and McCain will come and build houses and ship in more trailers and money. Mo money!

  6. Oh yeah, a family of 6 crowded into a 7 X 21 FEMA trailer is really something to look forward to.  

    We slept on sofas and on the floor at my partents' house for 3 months before we could arrange for somewhere of our own. The "government goodies" you mention did not materialize, except for a >>> loan <<< from the SBA (which we are repaying).  Our experience is typical, NOT whatever YOU think happend after Katrina

    Do some basic research before posting really stupid stuff.

  7. What is wrong with you? Nothing better to do?

  8. Do you think anyone would risk their lives like that? My goodness, you're stupid.

  9. Absolutely Forrest Gump. "Stupid is as stupid does". You have obviously never lived through a major hurricane. Why don't you do the world a favor and head for New Orleans right now and get yourself a good spot right on the water to watch it up close? Thanks for the question Mister Bush. Now go hide back on the ranch until you are replaced.

  10. You bet they are. Katrina was all Bush's (not Nagles) fault. Plus they need to loot more TV's to sell for crack.

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