
Do you think some of life's problems also carry with them, hidden opportunities ?

by Guest31673  |  earlier

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Do you think some of life's problems also carry with them, hidden opportunities ?




  1. life problems are wake up alarm for anyone that falls victim.If you got loose , you loose grip of a  great opportunity.Challenges had been responsible for the greatness and advancement in technology, science. management etc. Great men were born out of challenges which had first surfaced in form of problems.wake up to problems and success awaits you

  2. I do not think, I know from hard experience in the trenches, yes.

    Thank you for reminding me.

  3. they r opportunities

  4. oh, yes.  it is up to the individual to keep their eyes and heart open for those changes, to incorporate them in a positive way, to embrace them, because they may be the best thing to happen in their life!♥

  5. Yes, I do believe that in some of life's problems there are hidden opportunities. I think it is the individual's perspective and what they wish to focus on determines if they are able to see that hidden opportunity that is before them. If anything when dealing with a problem, there is always the option to learn from the experience and that is an important opportunity.

  6. G-Any situation that seems negative can be turned into a great value by using the proper approach.

  7. Life does not produce problems. People do. Life produces only opportunities and you can make a problem or of one of them if you want to but it is up to you to make of it wet you can.

  8. ....otherwise, it would have been unbearable!!!

    Behind each problem, a hope is hidden.  Opportunities are hidden....  We must face problems with clear mind so that we can catch those gifts that hide behind.  Hold on to the hope of a better day.

  9. A problem is just a cause to solutions.  Trying to solve the problem, enough opportunities get uncovered.  The problem is that most of the times we only focus on one prime outcome and never pay attention to other options as they appear..

  10. A problem is just an opportunity in drag.

  11. ...necessity is always the mother of invention... so they say.

  12. Sure, hence the proverb, "Every cloud has a silver lining." Although someday, at least to me, it seems that maybe some linings are just aluminum.  

  13. Yes i do even Life's Problems (themselves) are opportunties for us to Learn and gain experience.

  14. is always better simply by changing the way you look at it.

    ...but following through with that...I guess, isn't that simple.

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