
Do you think some of our freedom is being taken away because of terrorism?

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just a thought.




  1. Freedom is, and should be, relative to order and safety among other things. It may seem like a bad thing but true freedom would mean disorder and a lack of safety. It is important to think of the bigger picture.

  2. ...That would be their intent.  

  3. what terrorism?

  4. Lack of mutual trust leads to caution and even paranoia. Freedoms dwindle due to caution and lack of mutual trust.

  5. Those that want to take away our freedom for their own ends will exploit any convenient bogey that comes to the public attention.

    Terrorism is just one of them.

    The 9/11 outrage was due mostly to breathtaking complacency by the Americans - they never believed it could happen to them. They would never have got away with it in Israel or even the UK, which have a long history of being attacked by political murderers.  Well, maybe not often anyway...

    Yes when under threat, it is important to take appropriate precautions, to have your intelligence networks in place, to train your soldiers the skills to spot and take out someone about to commit an atrocity, and to allow the general public the knowledge and the confidence in the authorities to be able to report suspicious behaviour without getting into trouble or breaking personal ethical codes (such as snitching on your mates or family).

    The authorities work best when they can be subtle, and give everyone the impression that they have nothing to fear from them. It just so happens that nothing ever happens.  Which is no accident.  The Dixon of Dock Green approach to policing.

  6. Ya, some government officials spell it different, I know of at least two:

    1) Homeland Security

    2) The Patriot Act

    Maybe the conspiracy theorist got it right:

    Problem: (9/11)

    Reaction: (The sky is falling, we need more security on and off shore)

    Solution: Homeland Security via the Patriot Act!

  7. I think our freedom is being taken away by greedy power mongers. If one looks on the Terror Watch site, they will see that the single largest terror threat in the United States today, is from the Aryan Nation. But the Aryans don't control oil, nor does America seem to react much to them. However, someone from a foreign land, well that can be drummed up and spoonfed to the public in order to justify big brother regulation.

  8. america recently has certainly lost some freedom because of terrorism recently. but perhaps the terrorists had lost some freedom because of america first.

    not unlike crime in the u.s. takes some freedom away from your average americans, and yet most crime is caused because americans chose to divide, and rule society in such a way that breeds crime.

  9. No. I think the terrorists tempted us to give up our way of life and we took them up on it. The terrorists won. We gave up our freedom, and "because of them" is just the excuse.

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