
Do you think some of the people here on this horse forum are a joke?

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from what I have seen on here, it is mostly 10-12 year old girls who think they know what the h**l they are doing but dont. It also seems like most people, not all, but most, think that it is impossible that some of us actually pay $30,000 (+) for a horse, w/o any idea of what area of the country we live in, what we compete in, and the people that compete in it. I find that it is mostly under know ledged people, who dont actually deal with higher-ends of the horse world that think they know what they are doing, but they actually dont.

If I see another what bits should I use, is my saddle too tight, why wont he do his lead changes, I will scream! It is a simple answer to each: your using too much hand, stop buying $500 saddles, and get your horse balanced? OMG, its just so frustrating sometimes.

Do you notice the same thing and same questions being asked on a day-to-day basis!




  1. Let me just add that the horse world is NOT all about the high dollar horses and you CAN find a GREAT horse that can do dressage and jump and not spend thousands of dollars. This is a help forum. People come on here looking for advice. If that means they need help with lead changes, great!! Just because you are more advanced than them does not mean you should dog them. Plus, these kids that get on here are just that..KIDS. Who ever said this was for adults and advanced riders only? If you dont like the question, ignore it and move on!!


    oh and did I say thank you??

    and about the bit thing...I wrote this up a while ago:

    Now I'm not opposed to harsher bits. In the correct hands, being used correctly, They are great tools. But most of the people that ask, really don't have a single clue how to ride correctly. Meaning they lean on the reins, and have no concept of what "riding off your seat" means.

    If you ask these are The reason I'm going to tell you to use a snaffle:

    if you have to ask on the internet becuase you can't decide for your self- you don't need a harsher bit

    If you state something like "I pull but he won't stop" you don't need a harsher bit.

    80% of the time the you made the horse hard mouthed

    90% of the time its a schooling/respect issue

    85% of the time your scared or over mounted

    and last but not least, if your pulling with a snaffle and expect brakes, you will get brakes for about the first month in a harsher bit, then the horse will realize he doesn't have to listen to THAT either , and your right back at square one with an extreamly hard mouthed horse.

  3. LOL the ones that get me are the "how can I convince my parents?" and the "what breed should I buy?" questions!  They drive me batty because people do not seem to understand that there is a whole LOT more than simple 'responsibility' to own a horse!  And as for the breed questions, why would you focus on one breed specifically??  It has nothing to do with has to do whether you can actually ride the d**n horse without overfacing yourself.  To me, it would be common sense, but apparently it's not.

    There...that's my rant! lol.

    Edit: My friend bought a $750 ottb gelding back at the end of December/beginning of January that I have partboarded ever since and he won't be an A circuit horse, but he'll certainly clean up at schooling shows and on the Trillium circuit (once he gets there...he's doing wonderfully) all because of one front leg which hinders his movement a bit.  So please don't judge the cheaper horses - they can be quite good with time and effort put into them (he's got an amazing round jump once you get him jumping a 2'6 fence!)

  4. i totally agree with you. i mean i am only a teenager but i know a lot about horses and i never give out advice unless its face to face and i can see the horse.

  5. A few quotes to consider:

    "What is tolerance? -- it is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other's folly -- that is the first law of nature." (Voltaire)

    "One man's trash, another man's treasure" (Griffith J. Griffith)

    "Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance." (Will Durant)

    "The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance -- it is the illusion of knowledge." (Daniel Boorstein)

    “The offspring of riches: Pride, vanity, ostentation, arrogance, tyranny.” (Mark Twain)

    You're right, the folks over on Chronicle Of The Horse billboards are probably on average more knowledgeable and experienced than the majority of the posters here.  Mostly because COTH is an extremely old publication dedicated to people who participate in sport horse events.

    Not everyone can afford to spend thousands of dollars on their horse(s).  Not everyone enjoys jumping or dressage or reining or team penning or barrell racing or trail riding.

    We do, however, all have one thing in common: we love horses and we want to ride them and care for them to the best of our abilites.  Horses desperately need people like us.  Owners who are willing to make sacrifices to care for their horses are the animals best hope for a reasonably happy, healthy life.

    Everyone has to start out somewhere, I'm sure there was once a day when you didn't know the difference between a Kimberwicke and a Pelham bit.  Depending on your time and resources you may have been able to learn more and learn faster.  Why not be a bit more tolerant and generous with your knowledge and share it with these people in the hope of improving the life of a horse?

  6. er sorry but i posted one like "what kind should i get" because i know their are great horse owners on here who can tell me what breed is best for what in looking for so i don't just go out and buy what ever breed my mom wants lol

  7. Warmbloods aren't the only breed of horse that jump. And most sound horses can jump at least 2 feet. Warmbloods aren't the breed for everyone. I personally, am not a fan. I like Thoroughbred which, believe it or not jump! And there are lots of Throughbreds that get run through auctions!

  8. This is an answer forum. A lot of people don't get on it all the time. They don't know the question has been asked before and are trying to get an answer to their question. I have seen questions like this before. No one has to answer them or even look at them. I like helping 10 to 12 year old girls if I can answer their questions. I answer questions in the hope that I can share my knowledge with someone else.  Everybody has their opinion on things.

  9. It's Yahoo! Answers, they're giving their answers. Who cares their age, i've met tiny little six year olds who know more than some of the adults I ride with. Age doesn't mean much.

    Get over it.

  10. I hear ya there. But you forgot the Howrse questions. If I see another one of those I swear I'm going to save up the money fly to where ever the h**l the people who invented that game and kick them in the crotch! I blame it all on the video-wait *puts down the xbox 360 controler*-games. I understand you want help but please pick your own dang name. Its not that hard, and if it is Barnes and Noble sells baby name books, buy one of those and use those. I do agree with Insaziabila, to an extent. Young riders who don't know, this can be a great forum. At the same time so can the library, google and other such search engines. I have been around trainers all my life and I don't fine it all that odd that someone would pay 30 grand for a horse. I do find it odd that some one is willing to pay 3 grand for an unregistered horse(it doesn't matter how nice the horse is its unregistered its not worth that much). I get on here cuz I like to help those with questions that I know the answer to. And I find it odd that when I sight a Veterinary manual I get the thumbs down like I didn't answer it right. Uhm the FREAKING VET will tell you the same thing cuz he has the same FREAKING BOOK. Or on questions that ask for opinions. C'mon folks its an opinion, they are like A@# holes everybody's got one. I will not say that I know everything about horses, sense I have been fooling around on this site I have learned a great deal, as I hope I have helped others. At the same time I have learned that there are a lot of people out there that should wait till they get a horse or should just look at pictures of them. I appreciate this question, cuz it gave me a little space to rant myself. BOYA!

  11. OK...Well, you can take a horse from an auction or a rescue and make it into an awesome horse that will out-do a lot of pricey horses.  That is just a proven fact by someone who has seen it way more than once.  Just because a horse ends up at an auction does not make it a bad horse at all...What kind of logic do you get that from??????  Ive seen well bred registered horses go through sales. obviously arent educated in that area well enough to speak for it like that.

    I have a well bred reiner and an old auction horse...The auction horse knows JUST AS MUCH as the well bred reiner (hollywood jac 86s gdaughter) .

    I also think that anyone who has questions (no matter how stupid they may seem to you) should feel free to ask anything anytime.  HOW ELSE are they going to learn to be good horsemen??? DUH!  EVERYONE starts out knowing little to none until they have done it for years and years.  And still, an accomplished horseman knows that you never know it all in the horse world.  There is always something that will help even the best.

    If you dont like it and it bothers you then just dont read it...but dont be so rough on people who are just trying to learn.  And yes, there may be a few teenage girls who are silly silly with the way they ask questions but they are young girls here...what do you expect?  

    And I find that people who think they have a better horse by 'how much it cost' are snobbish people who just like to have a 'presumable' high status in the horse world.  It makes them feel better about 'themselves' to own a pricey horse.  They feel as if they own a much better horse than the boarder who has a rescue....That shows how childish some grown adults can be.  Not all are this way but most are.

  12. Well, I was always taught that you learn by asking questions!  You answered your own question.......Just don't answer!    MOST people are not fortunate enough to purchase $30,000. dollar horses.  If YOU can, be sure and count your blessings!  I am a 32 year old woman.  My daughter began lessons a year ago, and this forum has always been very helpful to me when I have a question.  There are $30,000 dollar horses on the ranch where my daughter takes lessons.  Those owners are happy to help us "lower class" with our riding challenges.  We learn a great deal by watching as well.  I am offended by your rant.  Perhaps you should start your own "High Class" question and answer forum.......You'll probably want a credit check and an income verification form before one is allowed to join.

  13. I lurk/post here because of the goofy kids! Its fun! If you want some serious, "higher-end" conversation, head on over to the COTH forums,

  14. Just because you know these answers it doesnt mean the beginners do, you were a beginner at one point in your life  and probably had many questions.

    I dont think there is anything wrong with someone asking their question even if it was asked by a previous person earlier.

    I dont think your special because you have a 30K horse, I think its the bond you create with your horse that matters.

    So, GO Stick it!!

    You can buy a 50k horse spend thousands training it and still come out a loser...You can adopt a rescued horse, spend the necessary upkeep and vet costs and have the horse who wins your heart.

  15. Everyone has to learn sometime.

    And sorry but although some people can go and spend thousands on a horse and custom fitted saddle etc that is and will always just be a dream to others.

    You don't have to answer the questions that annoy you - just go onto the next one and chill out.


        Ayla - I remember when there was no "horse" section too, does this mean we are old timers ?

  16. OMG YES!  What I really hate is "HELP, I NEED A SHOW NAME QUICK< ITS AN EMERGENCY!!!!"  Oh my god.  Seriously, think of one your self.  No one who does not work with your horse is going to know if a bit you use is correct,  or if your saddle truely fits, the best we can do is gustimate.

  17. Okay for those who are uninformed about this little rant. Here it goes since he took down the post of his original question that was titled- "What do you think of this selling tactic!"

    In it he was describing an UNREGISTERED, recently(in the past year) injured horse. Where he had him priced at $20,000 and stating that he paid $35,000 for it and had been offered $50,000 for the horse in the past but turned down the offer.

    It sounds to me as if this person is the joke as I simply stated, why pay that amount of money for an unregistered(even though he claims he can get the horsed papered but because it's a gelding, whats the use) when you could look at any auction or horse site and find one of the same caliber without spending that amount of money. and come on. Who in their right mind is going to turn down $50,000 for a unregistered horse and now plan to sell the horse.

    And Daniel. I myself have paid well over $30,000 for a horse. In fact I've gone into the $200,000 range. But these horses were registered, had incredible bloodlines, conformation, and amazing show records. These horses were proven winners and even had proven GET.

    You pay $10,000-30,000 and upwards for a horse that has those qualities. A horse that is already trained, showing, or has already gotten a show record. You don't pay that amount for a horse that MAYBE can be registered, one you don't even know the bloodlines, one that doesn't have a show record, and one that recently had an injury.

    People come on here and ask questions dude, that's why it's called Yahoo ANSWERS. Sadly some of the users don't want an honest answer- as is the one I gave to you. If you don't want someone to answer honestly. Don't ask the question.

    As for the underknowledged- I'm a retired equine/large animal veterinarian with a degree from Texas A&M. I compete and run my own breeding and training facility. So as far as knowledge and experience I answer the questions I know the answers too.

    So as for you stating that you paid $35,000 for an unregistered cross breed and asking if the price is right. I think you're the kind of joke that you are in fact talking about. It doesn't take common sense to know that someone who is able to pay $35000 for a horse would so obviously have enough money to spring to add a picture of this horse to his Dreamhorse Ad and have the balls to ask $20,000 for a horse with no posted pedigree or picture.

  18. Oh yes.  I get a kick out of the so called "Trainers" that work at wal mart during the day.  Now who's kidding who?

  19. Mm, I couldn't agree with you more.

    I'm getting really tired of the show name question. It's about to drive me up a wall.

    Also all the ones who are asking what bit to use, if the saddle fits, what do you think of my horse, should I breed my horse? you know, half of those things are common sense that are asked on here.

    I agree with you totally.

  20. If you come on here asking for stuff expect to get answers from spring chickens and from some who actually know what they are saying. i admit when I am right and wrong and I read alot about horses and I do alot with horses and have a certification in horses, but I dont like to rub it in peoples faces I am her to help people wheather the question be the same I answered 2 secs ago or wheather it be from some brat who thinks there all that. If you dont want to hear my answer/Opinion dont ask a question or be on here. because ranting wont help anything. Its the matter of human nature why we act this way so take everything said on her with a grain of salt.

    and I believe you can get a horse from an auction and make it great remember all horses started from a wild herd of them and just be lucky you bought a good one because I can do the same from an auction but it may not be pure breed but I dont care horses are horses to me.

  21. Nice little rant, but not with much substance.

    I've been riding horses since 1975.  I have a Bachelor's degree in Equine Studies.  Still, I don't always get "best answer."

    Frankly, I'd rather the "young ones" ask questions here than go buy a horse and get themselves seriously injured.

    If you don't like the question, just move on to the next one.  Pretty simple.

  22. I think its just a shock for people to see spending 30,000 for an unregistered horse in todays market where people are having to sell their horses for 1/4 of what there worth because of economy, over-population not being able to feed them and the price of Hay!  I dont have any problem spending that kind of money for a WP horse that is Congress and World show quality. But most people are not me. It could be a envy  thing, wanting to have an expensive horse, dont really know but I usually dont answer Questions that are repetitive and or just ignorant.

  23. If they were, I'd probably be laughing more.

    I don't think it's isolated by age, though.  Any hot button issue, like slaughter, breeding,'re going to get a lot of flame, from the young ones on up.

    What I do see that's as annoying as h**l is the tendancy to bash or even "stalk" people for merely offering an answer with which they disagree.

    I've never understood the concept of asking people for their opinions and then getting pissed when they give them.  If you want to completely control the course of discussion and others' posts...start a blog where you can just delete the answers you don't like.

    After all, it's called "Yahoo Answers," not "Yahoo Agree with Me."

  24. I agree, but sometimes i can find myself acting immature aswell.

  25. There is similar repetition and inappropriate questions and answers on virtually every public electronic forum. The internet does make it very easy for anyone to very quickly "open their mouth" without even thinking, and to then have all remarks preserved, unlike the "stupid" spoken remark that drops into thin air as soon as it's made.

    It might be worthwhile to further develop the categories here, instead of lumping all horse-related questions together. There could be a beginner's forum and an A-show participant forum, for example, then if you're interested in A-show questions, you just skip the beginner forum.  Yahoo Groups has some more specific groups you might find more interesting - I'm in an adult beginners group and a warmblood-sporthorse group, for example.

  26. i believer i answered the same questions about 15 times, i can list them if you want.

    1. i want to buy a horse, but my parents dont have enough money.

    2. i want to rescue a horse, i need (set amount) asap.

    3. what breed should i get.

    4. horse racing is so horrible.

    i think those are my top 4 pet peeves at this point. i do wish people would look up other people's prev asked questions, but it doesnt seem they're going to any time soon. the ones that REALLY bite are the ones about that horse game. . . go to gaming already.

    my answers dont change, they're realistic to a point (with what've ive done/been thru/my area of the country). i should just copy/paste and save mah self the time.

    good point, to a point.

  27. When I first joined Y/A, they didn't even have a horse category.  You had to ask horse questions under general pets.  With enough of us asking to please get a separate horse category, they finally did it.  There used to be so many QUALITY contributers on here, but some have gotten tired of the trolls and have moved on.  It's a shame they aren't on here much anymore, because I learned a few tricks from them, and hopefully they learned a little from me too.

    So the only thing I can say to you is you can't slap sense into people through the computer screen, so skip the fluff questions, and look for the sincere ones.  The honest people on here really do appreciate good advice.

    Debi- you were one of the ones I was thinking of, at least you are still "carrying the torch" and keep up with your good answers.

  28. have you noticed that some people in the jokes forum are

    actually horses?

  29. Yeah I know there are tons of little kids giving uneducated answers.. If you're new to the forum you'll get used to

    I guess the best thing to do is just ignore the BS and things that you know are wrong or don't apply to you.

    At least the kids that come here will learn a thing or two from more experienced people that they may not get educated about at their barn... It will open them up to new things that they don't yet know about and eventually they may be the ones giving the good answers.

    I know I've learned quite a bit from other people on this forum.

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