
Do you think some of the people today, with they're hair styles, should be required to shave their head?

by  |  earlier

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At least once an year, or at least when they look so stupid?




  1. Required? Where do you live? Here in the US, we don't "require" anyone to conform or to wear hair in any style just to please someone else's sense of arbitrary good taste.

  2. retarded...why not just give them a better cut...i think that makes more sense eh?...besides its their hair, what do u care about it, is it really that important in ur life that u need to take the time and think about it instead of thinking about oh i dunno, ur car payments, school work, how ur treating ur friends and family?

  3. Hair style is a personal choice. Shaved head too, and it should remain that way. Wonder what would be your criteria to decide that someone is "required to have a head shave" Also you might want to tell us who you are, may be God the second? If society was too follow your rules it might go as far as deciding on people clothing, religion or political opinions. I think you should change your pseudo to "old F..t !

    2 hours later: What's your plan for those who shave there head and look terrible with it? Require them to wear a wig??

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