
Do you think some one reporting my question is downright low- How nasty is thumbing down AP's for .....?

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Some one reported my question as a violation You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

Deleted Question: How nasty is thumbing down AP that just list their family?

Question Details:

Violation Reason:Not a Question or Answer

The question was " How nasty is thumbing down Adoptive parents for listing their family and circumstances that brought them to adopt".

If these negative nasty people just want to grid their own axe and want to control the content on adoption just to suit their very own beliefs and views makes them very petty and low.

They have called AP's baby stealers, selfish for desiring motherhood and accusing us for not caring about child's need. They call us "infertile and unstable". Selfish for remembering the new begining from the "gotcha day". "Whiny for speaking our mind "

Now they report questions that they have difference of opinion with. They could not come up with a good reason to have it removed so they reported this as "not a question nor an answer". WOW !! How downright low is that ???

To the AP's my question is what makes these people so hatefull towards us ?




  1. Oh that got deleted.... I answered that and I thought my answer was good... grrr.

    You know you'll prob get reported for this too?

  2. It's impossible to nail down the exact reason why it was removed, but I fault Yahoo here because they let this sort of thing go on and on like its normal.

    My guess is that it was probably trolls abusing the report abuse tool, someone with an axe to grind, or simply some overly sensitive moderator-wannabe trying to earn a good reporting (read: censoring) reputation.

  3. "To the AP's my question is what makes these people so hatefull towards us ?"

    My answer is "human nature."

  4. why do "these people" get categorized for one report of violation?

    I didn't see your question, and don't know how or why it got deleted, but i have a funny feeling that I'm included in that "these people" category just because of my views on adoption.

    If this isnt a rant, i don't know what is.

  5. I had answers given removed for the same reason! And I was stating an opinion. I think they need to be monitored a little better. By the way my husband is adopted and wouldn't change a thing about his life or parents.

  6. You were asking the wrong people to answer the question. You actually immediately excluded two other groups and this may have been partly why you irritated someone. How can you get the answer by asking people from the same side of the fence?

    I listen to all sides of the perspective on adoption and only thumbs down someone if they really say something incorrect (factually or in the reality) or offensive. Your question might come across as quite nasty to some adoptees. Personally I would have just answered it and tried to educate you which is what this yahoo questions is all about. There was nothing gross, disgusting or degrading in it. Some may have been a tiny bit ignorant, but you were obviously there to find out some answers so I think it was wrong for whoever it was to report your question.

    To answer your question. I think 99% don't snatch. I think often they are just ignorant and rely on the agency or social worker to educate them on adoption. I also think that adoptive parents listen to other adoptive parents and sometimes don't bother to see the perspective of the adoptee or when it comes to it, cannot cope with the fact that their adopted child might have problems. With the infertile thing, well a lot of adoptive parents are infertile and they probably do have some lingering pain surrounding that. Others may choose to adopt for other reasons. Adoptive parents often look at the happy glorified part of adoption and refuse to see the bad side.

    My adoptive parents are lovely, they love me, they have given me everything and I am grateful for that. But I was in another adoptive home before that and was physically abused, so not ALL adoptive parents are angels. Adoptees also go through the pain of adoption which has nothing whatsoever so do with their current situation. Some adoptive parents are more open about talking about adoption than others, and some choose open adoption rather than closed and these aspects can also influence a child's ability to cope with their confusion and emotions that will come up in their lives (until the day they die) about their adoption.

    I have tried telling my parents this for so long and they still don't get it. They think I am not grateful for what they have done. I am. And I am not a moany, whiny adoptee. My life is good, I am happy. Adoption is just a part of my life that is ongoing. Just like any part of your life. And this part of my life is no more or less important than any other part of it (like the success of my study and living in a  nice house).

  7. I'm a PAP.  

    Your last question was a rant.  This question is a rant.  If you're so worried about others' opinions affecting you, don't come to Y!A.  Especially not the adoption section.  Grow a thicker skin or go away.

  8. Wow that's horrible. I think that adoption is a great thing. How many children would be unloved and lonely is there weren't families to take them in?

    It's just hateful's not just AP's.

    You get these groups who think everything is black and white and the world should be their perfect way.

    No adoption, no biracials, no g** handicapped..the list goes's not just you, they are just hateful people...

    i just feel bad for them not having anything better to do with their day..

  9. hey, take it easy!

    it takes only 1 person to report your qestion for it to get deleted.Chances are, they are not all out to get you!

  10. Yeah and to think someone wrote something bad on an answer to my question and it's still not deleted. It's like they take off things that arn't even bad and leave the bad ones up!

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