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Deleted Question: How nasty is thumbing down AP that just list their family?
Question Details:
Violation Reason:Not a Question or Answer
The question was " How nasty is thumbing down Adoptive parents for listing their family and circumstances that brought them to adopt".
If these negative nasty people just want to grid their own axe and want to control the content on adoption just to suit their very own beliefs and views makes them very petty and low.
They have called AP's baby stealers, selfish for desiring motherhood and accusing us for not caring about child's need. They call us "infertile and unstable". Selfish for remembering the new begining from the "gotcha day". "Whiny for speaking our mind "
Now they report questions that they have difference of opinion with. They could not come up with a good reason to have it removed so they reported this as "not a question nor an answer". WOW !! How downright low is that ???
To the AP's my question is what makes these people so hatefull towards us ?