
Do you think some people are born sporty and some arent? What r ur best sports, how did you get into them?

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Do you think some people are born sporty and some arent? What r ur best sports, how did you get into them?




  1. YES! i totally believe that some ppl are born with natural talent for a sport...some ppl dont have hand- eye coordination, etc. but it is also true that with everything comes practice, and practice does make perfect.

    my best sports are dance, gymnastics, volleyball, and cheerleading (not cheering for football or basketball...COMPETITIVE cheerleading because cheering for football or basketball is not a sport)

    i got into dance because i started when i was like 5. i thought it looked fun. so i told my mom to sign me up! (i dance hip hop and jazz)

    gymnastics goes for the same as dance---told my mom i wanted to try it when i was like 5.

    volleyball because my older sister did it first and i wanted to try it...and i stuck with it for 9 years. now im a junior and i dont do it anymore. =[ only because i dont like the high school coaches we have!

    i started cheerleading in 5th grade and did it until 8th grade. umm. i know that 4 years isnt too long, but there wasnt much room for me to improve in cheerleading...its also my other best sport!!! i have no clue how i got into cheering. i just loved it and i was really good so i wanted to keep at it.

  2. There is not such thing because its all about practice.

  3. Nobody is born for sports.........the trick is to start very young and continue practicing it...........Practice, practice, practice.....Thats how you become good at sports.......

  4. well, you can't be born sporty, someone or something had to influence the person into being athletic... People who say some people aren't born with skills so they cant excel..NOPE, just train, you cant say someone was born slow, and inaccurate, unless they have a disability. If you train, you can improve you sport skillz, if you don't then you wont..   .My 2 sports I am playing now are lacrosse and football. For lacrosse, I started 6 years ago because my friend played, at first I was scared, but I had a blast and now I'm one of the best on my team. For football, my friends played and said I should so I'm joining my high school freshman team with them.

  5. yes, definitely. Just like some are born singers, some are wwe wrestlers. Some ex cell in chess. All depends on ur muscle power, flexibility of muscles , ur brain & ur stamina, All given by God in different degrees to differrent persons. U can improve on to some extent by excersises, diet & training. But desire & concentration also is given by God.

  6. I think a person's level of 'sportiness' isn't ever really set, it depends how much interest they build into being active. My favorite sports are cross country,ice hockey and track. I got into them as a result of middle school athletics so I have my school curriculum to thank since I never would've tried hockey otherwise.

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