
Do you think some relationships/marriages are given up on too quickly?

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Is it just easier to say the relationship is over and not work on it??

Or when you think you are right you don't want to admit to being half to blame for the problems?

I understand when relationship have reached a certain point of abuse, no trust and whatever else they are over.

But really how do you tell the difference between a relationship that is over and one that can be fixed.




  1. Yes, I think some people give up too quickly.

    Maturity shows when it is more important to be happy,

    and for the other person to be happy, than for one to

    be right.  Compromise is a difficult concept.  Too

    many think compromise means for you to be reasonable

    and do it my way!

    When to give up?  When the relationship counselor says there is no hope for your relationship/  Go to counseling before quitting,

    even if you go alone; although both going is best.

    Good Luck!

  2. people do give up too easily due to laziness of not wanting to work things out.pride and ego can end marriages, but most end due to betrayal when one spouse wants to seek therapy and the other already has someone new.its over when one or both refuse to seek any type of help.most problems in marriages can be worked out unless it involves abuse or betrayal.

  3. I think most relationships are given up on too easy. If you didn't get married in some drunken haste in Las Vegas and there isn't any emotional or physical abuse in the relationship, then there was something there when you first got married. You just have to work at it to get it back.  It is way too easy to get a divorce nowadays. People don't want to put in the time it takes to keep a marriage going.  Marriage is hard work and some people don't want to keep up with it.  At least that has been my experience.

  4. Depends if you love them and how much you are willing to let go or not let go.

    First is what you want and if that is being selfish is being happy.Make yourself happy and only you know the answer.I fixed the issue in my relationship by cheating and taking it to the grave.Does he know..No.Will he..No..I won't do it again.But I know what the BIG O is all about.

  5. Most definitely. There is no one sure fire way to tell if a relationship is over or can be saved even with professional education and experience. A good sign is a couple with marital problems that show up for marriage counseling and both wanting to save their marriage. I have personally saved marriages that I thought had no chance whatsoever of surviving while good marriages with minor problems hit the divorce court so even us professionals cant tell for sure. You are correct in that many do give up way too early and usually over the smallest thing when with a little help theyd still be together

  6. this is a difficult question but i will try.

    if one partner says the relationship is over,then believe it is over.some people try to hold onto something that was once there but somehow we all get too absorbed in our own lives.

    i do not think there are any differences in trying to resolve a relationship when someone utters the relationship is over.

    at my age,i do not believe in second self respect is far greater than a few stolen moments .

  7. sad to say it but i truly believe that there is such a huge decline of our moral standards in today's society.people use to believe in the vows of marriage,forever till death do we part,for better or for worst,etc.divorce was not only a social taboo,but a moral taboo as well.getting or being divorced is NO BIG THING seems that parents do not work hard enough to teach their children that high moral and ethical standards are still a priority today.if you brake a crimminal law,you have to pay up for it in one way or another,braking a marriage contract,legal contract,should you not be some how held accountable for commiting that crime.people that come from a broken (divorced) family are statistically at a higher risk themselves to get divorced.when only one spouce decides that it is OVER,the other has little if any chance of reconciliation,it takes the hard work of both to keep a marriage together.

  8. When you give up on it it is over.  It depends on what it is worth to you and how much work it will take to get back to where it was before it went bad.  Most people give it a couple of shots, before they call it quits.

  9. Yes for a number of reasons, the biggest one is being selfish.

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