
Do you think some species have had their day?

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Take Pandas for example, they dont like s*x, and only eat a very limited diet, do you think that we should just let them go? it seems a whole lot of time and effort is put into saving a species that seem to be on natures hitlist anyway? see link below.




  1. Yes I think dinosaurs have had their day.

    I mean they have to eat raw meat because they can't cook a decent vegetarian meal, they leave foot prints in the butter and never use a hanky!

  2. yep humans need to go, the worl would be a much better place.

  3. Death is yet just another part of life.

    We should try to save the species that benefit the human race with its beauty or adds to our prosperity.

  4. Poor panda's :(

    Its like they know how c**p their life is eating nothing but bamboo and having our ugly mugs pressed in watching them in a zoo, they dont want to bring anymore babies into their miserable existence!

  5. yes, sorry panda, sorry lots of little tropical birds and frogs and orchids. forget them, they are doomed!

    i'm sad to say this is one area where i am very defeatist; i guess we are going to loose about 30% of the worlds animal and plant species over the next 100 years, due to the combination of habitat loss and climate change.

    it will be known by future palaeontologists as the 'anthropocene extinction'. even if humanity is one of the casualties, it will show up in the fossil record, to our eternal shame.

  6. I think politicians have had there day

  7. NO! We need to be persistent in conservation of all creatures, regardless of their "cute and cuddly" characteristics.It may be difficult to preserve these animals, but wont it be worth it to see these creatures in the future? I think so! Thanks for pondering this interesting and crucial topic!

  8. no

    the only reason that we need to save things is that humans impacted their original lives and environments so i think we have to as a way of righting our wrongs

  9. your right

  10. I would add humans to that hitlist.

    We are just nasty parasites.

  11. hey go in there shoes for a while people always poking and preying into your life putting strange mates into your cage and wanting and watching and filming your s*x life.And to us they all look cute but maybe in the Panda world the guy Panda looks like say Brad Pitt and the female Panda looks like Olga the plow horse (or reverse  Pamella Anderson to  Steve Urgall you get my drift)That's why in nature its called natural selection and in the human world we also get to pick our mates.

  12. I do. We are not talking rare species that are endangered because of lack of habitat or mans intervention but an animal  that does not seem to have the will to survive. There are many species joining the EXTINCT list daily that should probably have had more effort put into preserving them but they were not so cute and cuddly!

  13. Animals can evolve to changes in the environment better than humans can. We are top priority to feel the wrath of nature and quite deservedly i might add

  14. I don't understand why we feel the need to "save" all these threatened species.Darwin was right, survival of the fittest.If we had our way(not us, people generally) we would have saved the dinosaurs when they became threatened.They die out because they are not compatible with modern life, bye bye panda.

  15. well yah all animals should be let go people should stop killing animals like coach they kill animals so they could just look "nice"

    when they are just hurting animals and are making them extinct!!

  16. I see what your saying

    It takes sooooo much effort to try to get them to breed..and they dont have that many babies....and its like once every five years or something...

    Humans have the right idea trying to preserve them,,,but its almost hopeless...the population is already slim

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