
Do you think some young girls just get pregnant so they can get a house?

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Do you think some young girls just get pregnant so they can get a house?




  1. unfortunately yes....

  2. Absolutely!!!! im sick of it!!! i work my butt off every day to pay for my home, where as the underaged, under-educated young kids get it all for free!!!! it really narks me!!!

  3. No, not the ones that have just the one by mistake. However, some make a career out of it though and have 5 or 6 to up the child benefit. There are loads of these people about- it's not just the women or girls but some couples that want to stay at home on the xbox and have their kids for a secured income/rent paid etc and to avoid the dole queue as parenting so called makes them exempt. It's one of the labour governments career prospects and they get a bigger house the more kids etc.

  4. I honestly don't see the correlation here. I was a young mother, at 16 to be exact. Why was I pregnant so young? Mostly lack of sexual education.

    There are teenagers who want to get pregnant, but mostly because they want someone to love them unconditionally.

  5. in my community you dont get a house.

  6. There are some that have done that but most of the time they get pregnant because they don't know about contraceptives.

  7. Actually I  am not prepared to believe that anyone, not even a young girl of today is likely to be dim enough to want a Council house that these days often costs more than a mortgage. it must surely be more secure, rewarding and profitable to stay childless and go halves on a mortgage, with the person of your dreams than to risk dropping a sprog, with no guarantee of a decent house in a decent location. you wouldn't catch me volunteering for the pain of childbirth,(followed by the possibility that my offspring  could be the next template for the Anti-Christ, could well cling to  them like a limpet until long after they've left school.

    Surely this route makes no sense, and anyone dim enough to embark on this road, deserves our pity, particularly as the pain of childbirth has been likened to " Passing a melon",( Makes my eyes water just thinking about it!)

  8. Maybe some do.  I think the majority arethose who get pregnant because they were tricked by older, married boyfriends, those who were unfortunate because their contraceptives failed and they are against abortion and those who were just too stupid

    Then there is a minority who do because they are slags.

  9. They are looking, first and foremost, for a husband.

  10. yes

  11. I won't say that all do, but I do believe that there are some out there, that do.

  12. Get a house?  I don't get it.  No one gave ME a house when I was pregnant!

  13. More likely to get AFDC & in some cases a house.

    It is pathetic that these babies are born as a commodity to be used and later end up in gangs, feeling unwanted & unloved and never knowing their fathers.

    It is pathetic that girls get pregnant because they need someone to love them.  Did their mother get pg for a house?

    It is pathetic that the U..S. govt. has perpetuate this practice and the liberals put a 'cruel' face on adoption where the best option would be to live in a loving, stable home where they are truly wanted.

    The liberals and govt. handouts are destroying our children and if we don't wake up we will only see more teen girls acting like banchees, gangs increase, more prisons built.

    Our schools teach contraceptives & AIDS.  No excuse there.


  15. I don't think they get pregnant because they want a house. They get pregnant because they don't care, they know the rest of us will have to pay for them.

  16. Their kids are called accidents for a reason.

  17. I Highly doubt it. That "House" comes with a mortage, and a oil bill, and a water bill, and all sorts of bills that make raising that said baby even more difficult than they already have it. So no, that isn't the case.

  18. no! i dont know where the **** you guys are from but a house? where the h**l do u get a house just by having a kid! i sure as h**l didnt get a house!

  19. Yep.

  20. yes i do when i first got married at 18 we was given a flat then when i had my son we brought him up in flats but i have a cousin who had her first child at 16 and got a 3 bed house just like her parents did, Ive seen lots of young girls having babys and getting houses but you do see the odd one who only gets a flat.This cousin also admitted that she got pregnant so she didnt have to work, its disgusting.

    Thankfully i now have my own house to bring up my 8 month old in.

  21. i have no idea but i hear young girls on tv saying that they wanted a baby so that they had something to love them... perhaps its the guys idea about the house? who knows.

  22. Yes and it is awful. What a shame.

  23. I don't need to think: I know it happens. Many however are so desperate to escape from the type of life they see no respite from , prefer to take that route. No. I am not talking of the Lazy . ......I am referring to the neglected Woman who are ignored by society because the Government have removed many of their established Safeguards in UK.

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