Before you read this, please consider this:
I am not calling homemakers lazy. Many homemakers work far harder than people who hold jobs outside of the home. This question is referring to SOME young, single women who have never been a homemakers, and are currently holding jobs outside of their homes, but who wish not to work.
Someone asked a question earlier regarding if women should be allowed to work outside of the home. Some WOMEN replied along the lines of "No. I hate working. I would much rather sit at home all day and do nothing, and have my husband go to work and make all the money. Working sucks." I have also heard stories from distraught men who have overheard their wives conversations with friends expressing excitement about being able to stay home because "I'm lazy and now I have all the money I want I do not have to go to work!"
Do you think there a difference between women who express their desire to be a homemaker as a valuable and important role in their family that requires dedication and hardwork, and women who express their desire to be a homemaker as merely a free pass out of holding a job outside of the home because "working sucks" and they think some man SHOULD carry their financial load? Are these women who think it is a free pass to "do nothing and still have money" lazy and entitled?