
Do you think someday all European countries will unite to become The United States of Europe?

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As one single country?




  1. Everybody must know (or at least the Europeans), that the Union is not a "BEST" thing but a "MUST" thing...

    We are just a bunch of little weak countries in the face of the big powers like USA, Russia or China.

    Together we have a better chance politically, economically and military. Plus the union is a seal that guarantees peace between it's members.

    There is no real threat of military sort or any other type, but is always nice to stay on top :) and starting last year The E.U. is on top of world economy by GDP! What about that?!

  2. Its called the European Union. They have just about everone but Russia.

  3. Yes.

    We'll call it the Roman Empire.

  4. No

  5. It is unlikely the members of the European Union will become one country.

    Moves towards this with the creation of an European constitution have been voted against in referendums in France and the Netherlands (most other countries voted for) in 2004. After this a new treaty was set up, which ended up being very similar to the European constitution, but was not a constitution and did not mean that the member states changed sovereignty. Incidentally this meant that most member states did not need to have a referendum on the new treaty, except in Ireland. Last week Ireland voted NO on the new treaty so now this treaty also seems in trouble.

    But what seems likely is that the European Parliament will gain more powers regardless, (85% of the new laws in the new treaty can be put in place with existing powers) and the EU will become more like one single country, (a single foreign policy seems likely in the future). However even though many in Europe are willing to give up national powers to Brussels, they don't want to give up their nationality.

  6. No they will not. They like to have a supranational union like the European Union; that is already in existence.

    There will be no United States of Europe. Trust me (or not; just ask anyone), none of them are interested in such a thing. They share some 'western' values but there are too many cultural groups there. Nope, I believe they will use the current EU and work together as much as they can (economic issues chiefly) within what they feel is a safe.

    (Besides, in the unlikely event that they do form such a country they sure has h**l wouldn't call it 'United State of Europe' lol they would probably call it European Federation).

  7. That is very unlikely... I agree with Old lady.

  8. Ummm, it's already occurred.  It's called the EU (European Union)

  9. What do you think EU stands for???

  10. No. In fact, I think you will see the opposite occur. As more and more decisions go to supra-national entities, I think people will want to assert their cultural and linguistic identities even stronger with nationhood. Scotland, Wales, Bavaria, Catalonia, Basque country, Moravia, Bohemia, Venetia, Napoli, Sardinia and Sicily all have the potential to become countries again.

  11. United States of Europe?

    They might get somewhere close to that in the short run, (decades), but in the long run (centuries) it would be counterproductive to World Pease.

    Mastermi's point that Europe is just a bunch of little weak countries in the face of the big powers like USA, Russia or China, and that together they have a better chance politically, economically and military, is well taken. This might be good enough reason to amalgamate together in the forseeable future.

    But in the long run the solution lies in World Government. We don't want to have blocks of countries just looking out for themselves, and being suspitious or beligerent to the others.

    In this world of global communications, grobal transport, global trade and global finance, (and hopefuly, soon followed by free global movement of people), regional entities will make less and less sence.

    As Paco says, in the meantime small ethnic groups might even want to split up from their parent country, making for more fragmentation of interests. It might eventually boil down to individual people being the unit of membership.

    By World Government, I mean the United Nations, or something like, it if the US does not scuttle it before it comes to full fruition. Of course it needs to be strengthened and become more efficient, but it's the only thing we have right now. We should support it, and nurture it so that eventually it can take care of the world's problems, and enable all occupants security and a fair share in the world's bounties.

    We need to study all aspects of the United Nations so that we can pinpoint areas for improvement. And in the short run, we need to make sure the UN Millennium Development Goals are addressed. Acheiving these Goals will be a small step towards eventual world pease.

  12. No. There will be economic and trading alliances (such as the EU currently offers) but as far as giving up their individual identities, no. There are too many cultural, linguistic and historical differences to amalgamate into one single country.

  13. Each country has too much cultural identity to do something foolish like that.  They already have discovered how to use diplomacy and work together on issues.

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