
Do you think someone's taste in music has anything to do with their personality?

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Do you think someone's taste in music has anything to do with their personality?




  1. Yes, it does.

    study shows that it is mostly relates to the person's attitude and personality.

    An example,

    1)People who tend to listens to jazz music tends to be calm and relax.

    2)For rock/heavy metal music, they mostly are very active and talkactive

    3)Orchestrated songs are mostly people who are actively thinking and somewhat smart.

  2. I certainly think so.

  3. I think it has something to do with it- just like what movies or books a person enjoys.

    I believe a person's mindset and personality influence their choices in music, whether it's the mood they're in at the hour, or their general overall personality.

  4. to an extent, yes.

    but i think it has more to do with the person's mood

  5. Yes, but it mostly has something to do with culture. But it also depends on the mood.

    People usually get attached the most to the music they grew up with. Or, if there is a message being spread by the music that the person likes to hear they would be more likely to listen to that than other forms of music.

    Like me. I didn't really get into rap & hip hop until I was in middle school. I like a few mainstream rappers, but now I almost exclusively listen to "conscious" rap, or rap with social commentary (which is really where rap music comes from - artistic social commentary) - I'm into politics, sociology, philosohpy, etc. The BET/mainstream type stuff is pretty much just watered down jingles.

  6. if that's true, my personality is a tad confused. i'll listen to anything except country, classical and rap.

  7. yes it does it will tell u what thing he in intrested in

  8. nope.

    well, to an extent. when i tell people i listen to metal, they automatically assume i am a terrible person who drinks and does drugs (im 15).

    i am a decent person. i dont drink (much) or do druga (illegal that is).

    but i would say that people who listen to pop are more people who think they are "al that". i dunno about everything else.

  9. Yes Music Does Say Something About There Personality

    Like Me I Listen To Rock Music

    And I'm Sort Of A Crazy Lunatic

    Laugh If You Want

  10. Yes it can be.  I personally like any type of music mostly but I do not like Rap.  

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