
Do you think someone has slept with too many people once they don't even remember some of their partners names

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Do you think someone has slept with too many people once they don't even remember some of their partners names




  1. It probably becomes too many BEFORE then.

  2. YES....maybe Madonna

  3. you have to ask?!!!

  4. I'm not sure what your question is, but that said, I think that you just described me, although I wouldn't say "too many," as opposed to "so many."

    I know how many in total, I just don't remember three of their names.  Which is okay, they probably don't remember mine either.  Those were pretty big parties.  No STD's, no kids.  Better to have ten sensible than one senseless.

  5. I would say that's a pretty good indication!

  6. I use to remember all of their names, I could name them all off in order when I first met my fiance but now, due to time, I've forgotten some of their names, same number of people, but just can't recall all of them any more.

    I don't think so because time also factors in with memory and, if you haven't  seen some of them in years, chances are you won't remember all their names........

  7. I don't pass judgement upon others - so the numbers of lovers or partners they've had has no bearing on what I think of them.

  8. Of course there are people like that.  I know a few myself.

  9. Sorry. I’m Guilty. Some people don’t deserve being reminded

  10. I would have to agree with that!

  11. Depends on how old they are!

  12. Yes. That is completely promiscuous, and I feel sorry for them. They aren't going to find much satisfaction in that kind of a lifestyle, and I bet it won't make them feel very good about themselves either. And they are playing with fire too....STDs are not easy to live with.

  13. this is why some people keep lists, i do not think your method of judging other people is valid ; )

  14. Well Mutterhalls doesn't remember me.

    What does that say about her?

  15. I would suppose so.  Obviously, if someone cannot remember the person's name, then that particular person and event are of no meaning to them, other than getting him/her through that particularly night.

    And as a man of my word, yes, there is only one person whose name I cannot remember.  Despite my asking her twice, she did not call me back, reneging on her promises.

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