
Do you think someone may have poisoned Tim Russert? If so, who?

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Do you think someone may have poisoned Tim Russert? If so, who?




  1. the hot dog vendor outside the nbc building.deport the vendor back to new jersey

  2. Of course he was poisoned. Yassir Arafat lived solely on boiled vegetables before his internal organs mysteriously failed one by one. The doctors in France who treated him stated that he died of "no known cause".  Its a commonly held belief that Ariel Sharon poisoned Yasir Arafat for no other reason that he didn't want Arafat to have the satisfaction of outliving the fat evil meat-eating b*****d! Haaretz even states that Little Bush granted Sharon permission to poison Arafat as long as he wouldn't get caught red-handed.

    Russert was an independent voice during the Democratic primary with devastating consequences to Hillary Clinton. Now that we are approaching the endgame of the election, the Zionists wanted Russert replaced with a sock puppet who will be more critical of Obama and more lenient on McCain.'s article states that maybe it wasn't a heart attack that killed Russert. I'm sure that article will be edited or will dissapear over the next few days. What the h**l else could it have been but poison? Russert looked healthy enough to me for a 58 year old man. God knows he was probably eating very healthy and getting regular checkups. Its not like he didn't have the money for a fitness trainer, top doctors, seafood, etc. I doubt he was eating Big Macs and washing them down with Cola. His show was extremely popular and they couldn't fire him or ask him to step aside. A discrete dose of poison sorted that nuisance out.

    To all of you who believe I am ranting Anti-Semite, read this from the New York Times. Dirty conniving Zionists love to poison their enemies.

    "King Hussein was furious when Mossad agents tried to kill Mr. Meshal in the Jordanian capital of Amman on Sept. 25.

    Mr. Meshal was injected with a slow-acting poison by Mossad hit men. Jordanians captured some of the Israeli agents, and the King compelled Israel to supply an antidote for the poison. Mr. Meshal was treated and survived."

    How many other true Americans like Russert have been poisoned by Mossad to be replaced by puppets of the Zionists at critical junctures in American history????

    I don't dislike Jews, I dislike Zionists. As the ambassador of France stated, "why do we allow that S****y little country Israel to cause so much trouble?"

    My question is this, why the h**l do US taxpayers allow Zionists to use American tax dollars to place bets in the oil futures markets and then rattle their sabers at Iran (making their bet of a rise in the oil futures markets a self-fufilling prophecy) thereby raising the price of oil and gas for ordinary Americans. If the bloodthirsty Zionists have the money to speculate in the futures markets and threaten World War III, maybe its time for them to be cut off from suckling on the American teat. Israel recently celebrated the fact that they have been in existence for 60 years, but laughably still require BILLIONS in subsidies annually to survive in the region. Israel isn't a country but is a nasty parasitic tape worm in the American body politic. Guess what Zionists, you country would truly disappear like the Soviet Union without bleeding the US dry year after year. Once you are cut off from US money and your Apartheid Walls come tumbling down, regional demographics are going to absorb your population like a piece of pita bread soaking up some Hummus.

    What's particularly  ironic is that Israel had the past 30 years to negotiate borders and peace from a position of strength, but after America's economic system collapses in 2010 or 2011, Israel will be forced to negotiate from a position of WEAKNESS and will be isolated and STRANGLED economically by its neighbors to accelerate its collapse.

    I hope Obama has read Robert Grave's Claudius the God and is using a food taster. Don't eat the mushrooms Obama!!!! You have powerful enemies lurking in dark corners.

  3. He had a heart attack.

  4. that's crazy.  he was an unfit man pushing 60. he had a heart attack.  that's a pretty plausable cause of death.

  5. Due to his history of cardiac problems, it is more likely that he just had a heart attack, and that it was not caused by poisoning. However, if he was poisoned, it was probably with antifreeze and was done by a CIA operative in Italy. Italy is a hotbed for CIA operatives and antifreeze is a poison which is commonly used to stage a heart attack. But, because of his heart disease condition it is more likely that the heart attack that was caused by stress or cellular dehydration from other food chemicals or maybe even bacterial infection in the upper body or head. Antifreeze poisoning would have caused severe dehydration and led to mast cell degranulation causing severe inflammatory process in the heart, leading to cardiac arrest. Mast cell degranulation can happen though from other sources such as stress or dehydration or even bacterial infection or viral infection. In every person that dies from a natural massive heart attack it has been seen that there are more than twice as many mast cells present than in a person with a healthy heart. The mast cells release proinflammatory factors like histamine, tnf, and many more chemicals. But, mast cell degranulation in the heart can be triggered by stress due to neurotransmitter sensitivity due to twice as many neurotransmitters also being present, and mast cell degranulation can also be caused by other sources of dehydration such as large amounts of caffeine. Bacterial infection is a common cause of mast cell degranulation and inflammation. So, cardiac disease is basically a hyper sensitivity inflammatory disease located in the heart. So, if he had a history of cardiac disease, then he was walking a thin line.

    Also, in order for the forensics to prove poisoning, they would have to detect products from the poison in the hair, skin, or nails.

  6. it was the hotdog vendor dude out side nbc that killed him. you eat new york hotdogs and become fat like the fat man tim

  7. no

  8. Have you seen and heard whats in the news these days.  Its enough to give anyone a heart attack.

  9. Valerie Plains,Scooter Libby?Keith Oberman ,Probably,Oberman is Scum, and Russert Knew that he was after his Job.Probably just the stress of losing Top Dog position to a Low Life like Keith.Its a shame that Russ will be replaced by a Hack like him or Matthews.I hope the station Folds.

  10. No.  That's a ridiculous question.

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