
Do you think something is wrong with my relationship?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't seen my bf in a loooooong time. He is always busy, and when he is not, he has a lot to do, or I have a lot to do. And when I see him, all he talks about is work, work, work. And when he talks about work it goes through one ear and out the other one. But I still love him for some reason. I am spoiled rotten with him, and he loves me to death. In told him I don't want to hear about his job all day. There is so much more to talk about. He will be good about it for a while, and then do it again. I have things about me too, but I am pretty good about stopping something annoying I do when he tells me not to do it. We learn from each other, but I can't stand to hear about business when I am on a date. It just ruins the mood. We don't have much in common, but I love him.




  1. I think if you and your guy were going out for the first time or the first six months, that the  work obsessive talk would be a turn off.  But, you seem to in another phase of your relationship.   Maybe, you could ask him a few questions about his remarks about the business.  I would think he wants you to be interested in this part of his life.  You have give some value to the things your significant other values.   It sounds like you are into your young adult years.  It is time to weigh how important the lack of common interests is to you.  It seems like your heart is on romance and your guy is, maybe, having his first success in the adult world. That is important to a male.   If it is a summer job, then I sort side with you.   Be supportive and balance your wants against his progress.  

  2. yeah

  3. you need to grow  up and see thats its not all about you sorry but true be blessed

  4. You guys need to take a break from work to be able to unwind so work is not on your mind.  Sorry!

  5. the only thing that is wrong is the communication aspect of your relationship. He should be more willing to actually talk to you and see how your day was a listen to you.  I know most guys don't realize this, but I do and it's that women want to have someone to just listen to them. Why he wants to talk about work is beyond me. He doesn't sound like he really knows how to be in a relationship. If he spoils you it's prob. his way of not having to be a good b/f. He just buys your love.  It's not a healthy relationship by any means.  I would have a long talk with him and tell him how you feel and he needs to open up to your needs as well. If's time to find someone that isn't so into themselves. Sounds like he is always to busy for you and that's not good. Have a talk with him and if nothing changes time to find someone that isn't so square. Good Luck!

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