
Do you think something like the Holocaust will happen again?

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My bf and I are really into the Holocaust and we got onto the subject about how if it were to happen again, who would do it and how bad would it get. So I want your feedback.!




  1. well gee i sure hope not!


    thats what i have to say about it

  3. I sincerely hope it never ever comes anything close as the Holocaust? That was a truly horrific period in our world history.

    Sadly with the ever increasing unrest of certain nations who want to take over the world and dictate who can live in it, then, it may be a reality?

    Praise God that it never, never happens again.

    Both of my uncles were among the liberators of Belsen and the stories i heard from them were truly unbelievable and horrendous!

    It had a life long effect on all the courageous liberaters like them?

  4. Yes, there have been mass genocides all around Africa (for example Rwanda) and Asia. History has repeated itself. guess what? Our government didn't help any of these people because we couldn't benefit from it.

  5. Let's start with Rwanda and The Sudan.  Genocide is occurring in several places in the world.  It's even possible in industrialized nations, given a combination of rough economic conditions and a charismatic leader.  Sound familiar?

  6. It's been happening since 1973 when the supreme court gave the ok to murder defenseless babies in the womb,by the tune of 100's of millions by now,we are a lot worse than the n**i's or the communist's have ever thought of! The Holocaust still continues!

  7. yes. maybe not to the jews but sadly history repeats itself as they say. it is happening in many places of the world right now.

  8. Iran's going to do it to Israel or vice versa, how bad pretty d**n bad were not gonna be talking about rounding up Jews into camps and gassing em, were talking whole sections of map disappearing on both sides,don,t believe anything the media tells you, Iran has nukes and so does Israel, its going to come down to the Iranians wanting to wipe out the Zionists and Israel's not gonna take it laying down, just look what happened to Lebanon when they screwed around with them a little bit.                                                                                          oh and to anybody who says Israels not a real country just because its only been officially around for less than century remember this, America was once that young should we have just let the British have there land back when they came back in 1812 ?

  9. It already is! Look up genocide in Africa. You'll see the climbing rate of death and destruction based on a persons religion or back ground. Parts of the Slavic countries are not to far behind either.

  10. well the holocaust was a genocide..  rwanda was a genocide... darfur IS a genocide... everyday people are being tortured by the government or twisted individuals.. so actually, it's happening

  11. definitely if we keep getting presidents like bush

  12. There's no way an event like the Holocaust would happen again... but... I don't doubt that some kind of race war will happen.

  13. Genocide is always going on somewhere in the world .

  14. If anything was attempted on the scale that the Holocaust, it would be stamped out straight away.  But things like it are happening in Tibet and China but it's done very quietly

  15. China or Korea would do it and it would get pretty bad.

    Or maybe Iraq.

  16. Yes,planned in 1871.

  17. It could never happen again, and if it did, it would never be as bad as the first! Why:




    -Word would get out


    -Why would anyone want to have another Holacaust!?

    However, we do not currently have any haulocausts going on but we DO  have genocides (killing people for no reason) such as darfur! SAVE DARFUR. our government wont help them b/c we wouldnt benefit from it......

    Update: Why are you all giving me thumbs down! I have the worst rating out of all the answers! I personally dont see why you cant agree with what I know.

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