
Do you think somethings about to happen?

by Guest60985  |  earlier

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It seems everyone I ask this question of, have a general sense that something is about to happen to the earth or human society in general.

I do not wish to hear about what you think will happen, just do you think something catastrophic is coming? Economic depression, world war...




  1. Yes, I also feel as though something is going to happen.  The unusual thing about it is that things such as economic depression and world war have happened before in the past, I think a lot of this concern that something major is going to happen now, because everybody feels like something is going to happen, is mostly due to how we now have TV, Internet, etc... that allows for our thoughts and feelings to be expressed quickly and easily with just about anyone (whereas that had not been available in the past), and anyone who watches the news, that is available all day if you have more than local channels, would have to be pretty stupid to not think that something is going to happen.

  2. it will happen in 2012, I think

  3. No, I think things are going to be fine & I am extremely intuitive. Maybe this people are anxious because it is an election year. (USA) & alot of stuff is being stirred up. They may be fearing what could happen if the person they don't want gets into office. I think it is going to be Ok no matter what we will just adjust to change or we might end up with what we want. I'd like the war to end immeidiately & I believe we walked in & we can walk out. I think if Obama wins he can manifest money like magic & our economy will get better so sorry about my view but just giving examples of how people are looking at alot of stuff & afraid that things might now happen the way they want that's all.

  4. yes I agree. It's almost tangible. People are concerned about the economy, etc. Recession is inevitable.

  5. I do, I feel America will fall if we don't get angry and change things around here. I'll tell you as a family of 3 last year $1500 seems nice right now, but we need to realize this recession is just a way for the government to distract us from the real issue. That money is being given so that we go buy things. Material items that really have no value if you ask me. The government assumes if we put money back into the business market then the businesses can begin paying more money to the trucking and delivery companies that can't even afford to deliver due to the high gas prices. The news says inflation shouldn't worry us, but it should. We are hanging on to these current day prices by a thread. Not only will the money be put back in circulation for gas needs and the high demand for it in this country, the businesses will be to profit and stay alive as well. Now in theory that will hopefully help some of the cities in this nation that are suffering the loss of losing a job due to a non-profitable America we are becoming. In reality, its a short term bandaid to keep costs down. The only way to fix this country is to clean it up. Oil is dirty and costly, and a handful of the rich in this country who have their hands in oil, or get paid off by those hands keep us in a war to protect what continues to make us the people tired, angry, and poor. We say America is so wonderful, and democracy is the way to go, but where has it gotten us? What makes democracy bad is what makes every other governmental institution bad. Eventually someone or a group of people get to much power. In our case, the big corportations have become, "we the people," of our constitution. We need to demand America to stop a war to protect oil. There is no choice not only as a nation but as a world to find a different solution. The earth is being drained and we're gonna go with it. We can get to the moon but we can't figure out how to get a car to run on sun or water, we should have a way to get vehicles to run off almost anything. America should have an electric train system like much else of the world. How much cheaper would it be to get goods from one side of the country to the other. It won't be cheap to clean this country up, but we have to do it for the future of this country. Isn't it patriotic to want your country to be better and for the future Americans to look back and say, "Thank god they got it together." Or would you rather just sit back and let your future generations be just as poor and uneducated as many of the nations in this world already are? That will happen if we continue things the way they are in this corrupt America.

  6. there's always *something* about to happen, come on.

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