
Do you think sometimes we destroy the bridge that might connect us to the inner most soul of someone?

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Do you think sometimes we destroy the bridge that might connect us to the inner most soul of someone?




  1. Yes.

  2. I think the blueprint/map is innately within us and we build the bridge by our choice of Path/Way...... the straight Path or???

    Therefore, with our right actions we build the bridge and our bad actions destroy it.  Right actions bring you near the source and bad actions bring you away from the source.  One can actually feel the connection becoming strong or weak...  high energy, low energy, creative, non creative, inspired, uninspired, aware, unaware, protected, unprotected, etc....

    When the quality has completely gone out of our life.... you are sad and miserable, life is boring, nothing is going right, you mind is dull no inspiration, etc...

    In my opinion, lack of virtue, in our daily life, will distroy, The Light and The bridge that connects us to our inner most soul.

  3. Yes, and simply, by a vile word or reckless action ( or reaction for that matter).

  4. Yes, obviously. For sure. But it is our mistake and so we don't need to do like that. We need to co-operate and unite. We need to live with peace, happiness and harmony.

  5. Its easy to place expectations on love - once you do this your love for someone ends.  Love can only exist between two people if both accept and love each other for the good and bad traits.

  6. Jenga!!!!

  7. well: basically  it's " Philosophy that would be very important

    yes of course Answers Arts  & Humanities "

  8. Sometimes?  Try on "all the time".

  9. No, as long as there is life there is the connection to all things and besides love can not be destroyed.

  10. YES...all of the time...I really think that most people are afraid to get close, afraid to REALLY let go.  If you are feeling happy, happy, happy, happier than you've ever been...boy, this makes it even HARDER to imagine losing...  The happier you are, the more content you are with a person, the  more you know that this is "different", this is "special", this is "rare"..the more you are afraid of losing it...  and the more you want it away from you...this kind of connection is scary, this kind of connection has the power to destroy you. If you displayed yourself in such a, splayed open, and he rejected much  would THAT utterly slaughter you? So, you sabotage it.  You do and say **** that you know will turn off that person, maybe not consciously, but don't we all do things stemming from our subconscious?  For instance, maybe you are used to being find a person that lets you BE FREE and this scares the **** out of you..this opens the door to another really SEEING you and all of your faults, all of your down falls, all of your ****** up thinking. Sees you "raw and naked" to quote someone I know.  You are in love and are so afraid of that person finding out that you are not so great, not so brilliant, not so you end it with little things that eventually equal BIG things and incompatibility.  I don't know, Rita...this has been puzzling me...I think I ****** this up on purpose...I think I am a fool.  I think I am a child and have a lot to learn when I should know these things already.  I really hope you find the answer you are looking for..all of these Q's from you...

  11. Yes. Sometimes we 'CLOSE' the bridge that connects us to the inner most soul. If we 'DESTROY' the bridge, we would not have any chance/opportunity to connect or reconnect to our inner souls anymore.

    We should be in a position to reopen or reconstruct the bridge that connects our mind to our inner-most souls.

    All of us because of our ignorance and ego sense (or pride), we close our relationship with our own inner soul. Ego and ego-centric desires put a veil between our mind and soul.

    We should know how to establish close contact frequently with our inner feelings (heart).

  12.    Sometimes...and sometimes it's the other someone that destroys the bridge to us. That's why forgiveness is so important.

  13. When a persons main inerest is conquest, he burns not only bridges that could lead to love, but burns all the people involved, including himself.

  14. Yes, because we are not connected to our own innermost soul ourself! We live by falsehood, by notions of others and world on us and having identified with that , we miss access to our own inner true being.Be the true self as that is connected to all that exist, we will be touching the inner soul of everybody then!

  15. Building and Destroying bridges is in fact the way of know others, as with the development of knowing in the brain, the creation and pruning of branches is responsible for a healthy brain.

    The trick is the Building and Destroying the right bridges!

    A couple of examples of bridges to destroy are, prejudices and false belief.

    We are only human and to error is human, so yes we do often destroy the bridges that might connect us to the inner most soul of others, and we also all too often build the wrong ones.

  16. Fear is the most destructive force of all.

    It is not the soul of the other that leads us to destroy the bridge.

    That bridge is the God to whom our souls truly belong. An indestructible commonality.

    What can be broken is the heart, and spirit of the other. That bridge can be destroyed, if in fact it was ever built at all.  

    There are other, more appropriate questions. How do we build the bridge between hearts? By what measure do we gauge the distance? Who's blueprint do we follow? What troubles will be encountered along the way while the span is being crossed? Can solutions be found? Is there a fear of what will be found within the other?  Is it what we expected? What was expected? Something more? Something less?

    Are we sure that what we seek to find there ever even existed? Do we dare peer into the soul of the other to find out? Or are we afraid that what we find is what we desire?

  17. No.  Impossible to destroy that which was created eternal.  We simply refuse to cross that bridge when we come to it.

  18. Perhaps- maybe unconsciously out of fear of intimacy or inadvertently out of a coarseness developed from a rough life.

    I would like to identify just what the bridge was, then better figure how it gets destroyed.

    It has something to to with fear and intimacy, I'm pretty sure of that.  

  19. I think that if we are 'meant to' connect on a permanent and deep basis with *someone* then ONLY then will it happen. I think our relationships and their qualities are somewhat preordained before we are born......when we love another in this life we will KEEP BUILDING THE BRIDGE time and time again to *their heart*! *And* they must  *also* build from THEIR SIDE that the bridge meets in the middle, so to speak. We keep building and maintaining the bridge because our love for each other (those souls we truly love) IS MEANT TO BE. When both are willing to build the bridge then you each, together, are in the 'center' of mutual vulnerability and mutual trust, for you both have built the means for the bridge's ability to stand and support you. So, there, the two of you stand, in trust and love in the center of the bridge you both built. From their side and yours the construction began reaching, building, hoping, trusting, faithfully attaining to the center of intimate sharing. Sola

  20. Yes, indeed very true, and more often than not, it is due to false pride or ego. We are perhaps so engrossed with self that we do not even seem to notice the bridge connecting to the innermost soul of someone until it becomes too late.

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