
Do you think....... <span title="!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!URGENT!!!!!!!!!!?">!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!URGENT!!!!...</span>

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i could get in to University of Connecticut?

Im from Ca, i have an average of about a 3.0 maybe a bit less :( I was out of school for a total of about 8 months throughout my high school career so far bc surgery. i do a bunch of volunteer work. i run a mentoring program at my local middle school, am a volunteer youth cheer coach, and volunteer at various organizations. I was a cheerleader my freshman year, and was asked to be the mascot my soph. year (since i decided not to try out for cheer again) which i did. I took 2 AP classes this year adn honors chem which i got a D in :( for my AP us i got a C and AP psych i took a pass. now that i am in regular chem i hace a b. do you think i could get in? or any suggestions as to where i should apply?

Thanks so much!!!!




  1. There are a LOT of schools in CA, where you&#039;d be paying Resident tuition, rather than out-of-state tuition -- why not consider that? It&#039;s a huge savings.

    Go to the websites of schools of interest, and see what they have to say about admissions. You don&#039;t meniton any SAT scores, but they are taken into consideration, as well as your GPA.

    You don&#039;t say what you&#039;re interested in studying -- that&#039;s what you should look for, a school that has a program you want.

  2. Don&#039;t worry about it. It&#039;s not only for academics - trust me:) I know lol Get yourself involved a lot and make sure your an all rounder and you&#039;ll get through. Academics are supposed to be no less than B minus but a mixed application definitely won&#039;t hurt your chances - go for it!!!

  3. It&#039;s possible .   You have a lot of extra curricula activities which will look great on an application . I live in Connecticut .

    I&#039;ve seen the University of Connecticut grow . There is a lot of competition to get in these days .  

             Apply !  See what happens.

  4. well, you won&#039;t know until you try!

    most schools have a test average, like 27 for the ACT, that they let in. and since they like having really smart people, they let in tons of people with above 30. but to keep the average, they also let in a ton of people with around 20, or lower. so you do have a shot.

    I would say apply to everywhere that you think it would be fun to go. Universities, and community colleges. A lot of times you can go to a community college and get your Associates, and then transfer if you didn&#039;t get into a university on your first try. And the community colleges by the university are more likely to have credits that will transfer over, so you can put them towards your major.

    So make a list of different states that might be cool. Washington, Cali, Florida, Alaska, Michigan, Georgia, etc. Random can be amazing. And then look at the schools in your top 10 or 15 states. See what they are known for, look at what people who go there say. And then apply! You might as well. It&#039;s better to have a ton of choices than to get stuck going somewhere you wouldn&#039;t enjoy.

    Check out tuition, and see what it would take to get in state. And apply for scholarships, grants, loans, etc!! And work your butt off. Get 2 jobs in the summer, try summer sales, do anything (within reason). nothing sucks more than paying off college loans until you are 40.

  5. yup

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