
Do you think <span title="that..................?????????">that..................???...</span>

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businesses or individuals would contribute to our highway system if governments did not force them to do so thru taxes??




  1. mayb...ya

  2. I think that businesses ultimately would, because they would need the roads to be good for their employees to make it to work in a timely manner and in one piece.

  3. Businesses would build private roads and prob charge a toll

  4. Sure if they want to. At least if the governments didnt force them to.

  5. Eventually the care for the highway would need to be considered by a local group or community. Eventually, yes a group of people no matter how small or large would take charge on the highway problem. But if there were no taxes no one would try to fix the road, you need materials, and be able to control traffic on the road. The government has the control over that.

  6. No.  People are selfish and greedy.  That includes me.

  7. nah, just set up a private highway system and charge a toll.

  8. No, that&#039;s why we have to make them by enforcing tax laws. We have some of the lowest taxes in the industrialized world, but we complain about taxes the most.

  9. I think that some would contribute, but I think it is more likely that people wouldn&#039;t. They would make excuses, and complain that they didn&#039;t have enough money for themselves, and that the people with more money should do it.

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